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bullet Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Beginners Info
What is Simcountry?
Simcountry Documentation Set

The documentation of the Game is setup in a way that makes the content easy to find and can be viewed or printed. Below you find links to all these documents.
Keywords: documents, game documentation, detailed documents, country news

Accepting bids
Account Expirations rewrite
Acquiring companies
Air Landings of Units
Air Transport Units
Airlifting Military Units
Alone or with your friends?
Alphabetical Order
Attack destroyers
Attack Drones
Attack Helicopters
Attacking your enemy
Automatic bidding by the gamemaster
Automatic bidding on corporations
Automatic defense
Automatic deployment of Garrisons
Automatic IPOs
Automatic orders
Automatic Product reservations for contracts
Automatic Reactivation of reserved weapons
Automatic Updating of Government Salaries
Automatic Upgrading of Corporations
Automation of game functions and parameter settings
Automation system
Avoiding war
Award payments
Awards in Simcountry
Awards ranks and scores
Awards winning limitations
Bankrupt countries in empires
Beginner CEOs
Beginners Info
Bidding for assets on the market
Build your education system as fast as possible
Building corporations
Building corporations in Computer Controlled Countries
Building the defense forces and fighting wars
Building The Defenses in a new country
Building your army
Building your country
Building your own web pages
Buying Navy carriers
Buying shares
Buying weapons
Can a federation change the rules that govern it?
Can a first prizewinner win every month?
Can attacks be stopped without damage?
Can corporations sell products directly to each other?
Can countries merge?
Can countries purchase directly from corporations?
Can countries sell products directly to each other?
Can countries sell to corporations?
Can I always purchase all the weapons I want?
Can I keep the products I produce and sell them to my own country, my friends or federation partners?
Can I see where the enemy will attack in advance?
Can my education system overheat? What happens then?
Can people migrate to another country?
Can wars end automatically?
Can you as a user of W3Creative Services view the information we collected and make changes?
Can you decide how the information is used?
Can you explain how tax payments work?
Canceling all contracts is free of penalty
Canceling of contracts is free of penalty
Carriers and Navy Command Ships
Cash Market and multiple accounts
Changes in Corporations that may occur from time to time
Changing the name of a corporation
Chemical Missiles Batteries
Cities and Towns in Simcountry
Civil unrest
Closing Corporations
Common Market Membership
Common market score
Common market trade
Common Markets Minimum Commitments
Communicating with other users
Computation of the defensive Index
Computing the country score
Consequences of a bad education system
Contract delivery of products and weapons
Contract pricing
Contracts and pricing
Conventional Long Range Missile Batteries
Corporate assets
Corporate costs
Corporate finance
Corporate Income
Corporate Market Value
Corporate market value public corporations
Corporate market value of state corporations versus private corporations
Corporate orders
Corporate profit, loss and cash flow
Corporate Raiding
Corporate taxes and profit payments
Corporation Production Capacity
Corporations efficiency
Corporations Hiring and firing
Corporations Production levels
Corporations and the war index
Corporations at risk of being closed
Corporations can issue new shares at market value
Corporations can repurchase their own shares
Corporations in countries with no president
Corporations in War
Corporations quality
Corporations with many unsold products
Cost of building and maintaining the army
Countries with very large population
Countries without a president
Countries, Continents and Regions
Country map view is optional
Country maps during war
Creating your own military units
Cruise missile batteries
Dead and wounded soldiers and officers in war
Declaring war
Defending your country against Nuclear Submarines
Defending your country and waging war
Defense and War
Defensive Air force
Defensive anti aircraft missile batteries
Defensive Armored Vehicles
Defensive destroyers
Defensive fortifications
Defensive Jeeps
Defensive Land Forces
Defensive Missile Batteries
Defensive missile installations
Defensive navy missile batteries
Defensive navy missile interceptor batteries
Defensive weapons
Delivery time for weapons
Deployment of the defense forces
Deregistration of countries in war
Direct trading of weapons
Disabled people
Do I have to balance the budget?
Do I need an army?
Do people move around between Corporations?
Do private corporations pay their profits to the enterprise?
Do salary levels in a corporation matter?
Does it help to have many radar planes?
Does it make sense to increase salaries for government employees?
Education priorities workers and employment
Education the key to success
Education as a cause of civil unrest
Education priorities
Education priorities: what is better a higher or a lower number?
Empire Leader Country Privileges
Empires Groups of Conquered Countries
Employment in the enterprise
Employment level in your country
Ending a war
Enterprise cost of purchasing corporations
Enterprise expenses
Enterprise Finance
Enterprise Income form profit sharing
Enterprise loans
Enterprise score
Error during the introduction of the Uprising feature
Exchange rate for Gold Coins
Exchanging Game Money for Gold Coins
Exchanging game money into gold coins
Exchanging Gold Coins into Cash
Exclusive Wars
Factory Utilization
Fast upgrading of corporations
Faster building of corporations
Fearless Blue The war world
Fighter Planes
Fighting wars
Finance is important
Financial consequences of winning a war
Find and buy corporations
Finding countries to build new corporations
Fixed cost in corporations
Frequently Asked Questions
Funds and population transfers within an empire
Game basics
Game Documentation
Game Levels and Game Level Awards
Game settings
Game settings and rules

How to Play Simcountry