Acquiring companies
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country. |
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Acquiring companies
You can acquire corporations from countries and from other enterprises. In both cases you enter a bid while other CEOs can also enter their own bids that might be higher than yours. You can enter higher bids and even automate the bidding to increase your chances. The bidding period is 3 game months and the highest bidder will end up buying the corporation.
To place a bid on a corporation, click on the corporation's menu. You can search for a product and get a list of all corporations that produce a certain product. You can also search on a country name. Remember that the icon left of the country name field, allows you to search using the term you typed in the field. You can only bid on State corporations if the president accepts bids. You can also search for Enterprise owned corporations and place a bid on any of its corporations.
You can have up to 3 bidding processes running simultaneously.