Bidding for assets on the market

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Bidding for assets on the market

Bidders can see the whole list of offers and can bid on any of the offers within the limitations as described in this document. Bidding can take place by any player. Bids must be entered within the bidding period or otherwise the offer will show that it is closed. Any bid, must be at the same price or higher than the minimum requested amount.

The bidder can see the highest bid price but cannot see all the bids nor can he see who has made any of the bids. The bidder can contact the player who offered the asset and negotiate conditions outside the biding process.

The bidder can see the list of assets for which bids were entered and can retract any bid as long as it was not accepted. Entering bids that are not meant to end up in a purchase is risky as the offering party can accept any bid at any time and does not need to wait for the end of the bidding period.

If the bidder is exchanging gold coins for game money, the transaction will be executed with the proper exchange rate.

If the bid is for population transfer, the bidder specifies the world and country name where the population is being transferred to.

If the bid is for a country, the bidder may already have countries in the same world and in that case the country will be added to his empire. It may also be a first country in that world.

If the bid is for an Enterprise, the bidder can have only one enterprise in that world as more than two enterprises are not permitted in one world. The bidder may have no enterprise and purchase his first one.

There are some restrictions when bidding for assets

Simcountry Introduction