Defense and War

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bullet Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Defense and War

I want to start a war. What should I do?
Do I need an army?
How fast can I build my army?
Can I always purchase all the weapons I want?
I see the number of soldiers and officers changing. Is that automatic?
In war, can I use all weapons against anybody?
There are three types of attacks, what are these?
What weapons are most effective in attacks and against what?
How do I protect against nuclear attacks?
When I set up my own defense, how do I select a location to defend?
Setting up my defense, I only see some of my weapons. Where is the rest?
When I select a new location to defend, the slide bars do not change, why?
I see the numbers of ammunition pieces but they do not change when I deploy. Why? Where is the ammunition?
What weapons are most effective in defense?
How does a war end?
Can wars end automatically?
How do I repair the war damage?
What can be attacked in my country?
Can I see where the enemy will attack in advance?
Does it help to have many radar planes?
What is the effect of defensive weapons on attacking forces?
Can attacks be stopped without damage?
There are many wars and we see players defeated. Can we prevent it?
What happens if a country is defeated?

Simcountry Introduction