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Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Tourism, Government Cabinet, Terrorism & Anti Terrorism, Emergency interventions during natural disasters Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

Why not to make the game more realistic and include new features that can make the game more interesting:

1) Tourism: to be able to construct tourist facilities (ie: Hotels, Lagoons, Fun Land, etc..) in order to attract tourists, who will generate more income to the country.

2) Create Government Cabinet and a Prime Minister, who you as a president can direct them and can also fire them and re-employ new ones.

3) Terrorism & Anti Terrorism feature

4) Sending emergency units to countries who get hit by a natural disaster and give the capability to these countries to ask for help

26 gamers voted for the proposal.
22 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

Tourism should indeed be explicit. We have vacations but it should go into more details. Terror and anti terror will be added, and are on our wish list. Sending emergency units and materials is part of the disasters and are part of Simcountry. Government types are planned but we have no clue who the prime minister is. Is it a separate player?

Simcountry Introduction