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bullet Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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More Game Features and Updates

- War level rules have been slightly relaxed.
Until now, on 4 worlds, you could start a war against a country with a president if that country was in war level 3 or higher (this remains unchanged) and if the difference in the war level was 0 to 2. The difference is now 0 to 3.
This means that there is more flexibility and more choice when going to war and more countries can participate.
Countries with war level 1 and 2 will see no difference and cannot be attacked.
Fearless Blue remains unchanged. There is protection for countries in war levels 1 and 2 and all others can fight or get war protection.

- Immediate orders are now always delivered immediately. Immediate orders are delivered at a price hike of 40% above market, and quality is of course taken into account. The total value of immediate orders is about 20% of the spending space and orders can be placed if the spending space allows.
This means that immediate orders should not be huge and should be used to solve a serious shortage problem that is damaging the country economically or during war when materials might be needed urgently.

- The maximal number of fortifications in a country is increased to 150. During war and in peace time, each fortification represents 0.33 points in the war index. In the near future, military bases will also count as part of the war index, reducing the war index weight of fortifications and replacing part of the war index by the number of military bases in the country.

- When orders are cancelled, the spending space is now restored.

- CEOs can reduce cash in their corporations, down to the level of 30B, this was 60B. Numbers in Simcountry are lower now and there is no reason for such a high amount in the corporations.

- When nationalizing corporations, rules apply that are the same as when building new corporations.

- Small changes in the way new corporations are supplied, make sure that no products enter the market out of nowhere. All products corporations receive during setup, are ordered on the market. This was not done correctly before and caused some unintended addition of some products. The same applies to C3 countries that are receiving fortifications in their initial setup.

- The score page is corrected. There was an error in the "Population sales" penalty on that page. It is now corrected. The score computation was done correctly.
The score can now increase by 20 points if the country has a space center.

- The defense indexes are slightly updated, with Fortifications, and military bases weighing a little more on these indexes. As a result, defense indexes may increase a bit, and the score too. The differences are small.

- The requirements for game levels:
The war index requirements have increased a bit. Players should have a high war index, especially when they are not in war.
Economic players are unaffected by this change.
The defensive index requirements are being increased for all game levels >3. The requirement is a choice between the defensive index OR the war level. War level requirements remain unchanged.
If your war level is as required, you do not need to worry about the defensive index.

Simcountry Introduction