Selling Population

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Selling Population

Selling population is very bad for countries. Countries that are selling population damage their state corporations, and they damage private and public corporations that are located in their countries. These CEOs assumed that they can continue to run these corporations, only to find out that workers are gone.

The minimum population number to allow a transfer is 30M. Countries with lower population numbers cannot sell their population. In addition, when population is being sold, migration out of the country accelerates and many will leave in the following months.

The population sales have a very negative influence on the welfare in the country and productivity declines in the entire empire. The decline in the welfare index is not immediate but it will decline overtime. The damage is retained for a prolonged period and can be reduced either by the purchase of population of by a long wait where the damage counter that jumps 100 point with any population sale, will recover one point at a time during a long period.

Private corporations in countries that sell their population can leave the country without any payment to the president.

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