Computation of the defensive Index

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Computation of the defensive Index

The defensive index is the sum of the number of weapons of each type multiplied by a factor for that type of weapon. The table below shows the details for all the weapons. Only weapons contribute to the defensive index. The individual factors can be changed in time.

The defense index in details
Weapon/Ammunition   Index points   Soldiers   Officers  
Anti aircraft missile batteries 0.00206  4  2 
Defensive fortification 0.0421  1600  320 
Defensive military airport 0.196  2700  540 
Defensive military base 0.196  2700  540 
Missile interceptor batteries 0.00419  4  2 
Defensive missile batteries 0.00204  4  2 
Navy missile batteries 0.00207  4  2 
Navy missile interceptor batteries 0.00423  6  3 
Defensive destroyers 0.00644  60  30 
Armored vehicles 0.000232  5  2 
Defensive helicopters 0.00215  7  3 
Defensive Interceptors 0.00347  9  4 
Defensive Jeeps 0.000235  4  2 
Defensive artillery 0.000235  7  2 
Light tanks 0.000385  7  2 
Defensive radar planes 0.0376  70  40 
Nuclear Defense batteries 0.216  600  300 
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