Soldiers and Officers

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Soldiers and Officers Status: Misunderstanding

Detailed Description:

I think that a country should have the option to be able to hire military personnel based on at-will recruitment, instead of conscription. There should be a goal number placed by the leader of the country limited by available civilians. Buying soldiers and officers is too expensive and limits our ability to feel safe and well staffed military-wise. p.s. we should be able to set military personnel salaries separate from government salaries. Vote Yes if you want a cheaper, more realistic, and more efficient way to have a military. Vote No to keep as is.

13 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

You do not need to purchases soldiers and officers. There is also no conscription.
When you purchase weapons, low level workers are hired as soldiers and medium level managers are hires as officers. The numbers depend on the weapons you purchased and the number of weapons. This will continue to happen until you have used all your LLWs and MLMs under 50 years old.

They all earn salaries and become unavailable for the industry that may run short on workers.

Simcountry Introduction