Mentors for New Players

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bullet Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Mentors for New Players Status: Excellent

Detailed Description:

Many games have mentors which assist new players. I propose that Simcountry have an easily accessible list of mentors (say a button on the page for players under 60 days playing time), so newer players can message mentors and receive advice and help. Many questions new players have are not in the documentation or FAQ, or the information is outdated. Mentors would be a way to easily communicate current information and promote more interaction between players. There are other ways this could be implemented and there is a lengthy forum post under Suggestions for further reading. Vote YES if you would like a mentor function added. Vote NO if you feel this is a poor suggestion.

4 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

We would like to make such a facility available and help new players in getting the information they need.

Simcountry Introduction