Adjustable Income and Import Tax Rates

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Adjustable Income and Import Tax Rates Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

Personal Income Tax should be adjustable from 0 to 100pc. This will either negatively or positvely affect spending by population in consumption, housing, pension contributions, health and education participation and spending, and any other things purchased by population (as their income is either increased or reduced by taxation). As well, corporation productivity will be increased or decreased by Personal Income Tax, as less taxation allows workers to retain (and spend) their income, thus increasing their morale and productivity. For empires that have over 10 countries and experience rebel attacks, higher Personal Income Tax rates will increase the chance of rebel attacks. Import Taxes will affect the priority of receiving products. Import Taxes should be adjustable for each product individually, or all products at once. Presidents that set high Import Taxes for products that are in world market shortage may not receive the products (as they are pushed to/towards the back of the line), or experience delay, because corporations (excluding contracts of course) will automatically export to countries with lower Import Taxes over countries with higher Import Taxes. Presidents that set high Import Taxes on products that are in world market surplus, however, should have no problem receiving their products. Simcountry developers of course can make changes to this proposal as necessary (or implement these drastic changes in stages) to make it work, which of course we the players may make additional proposals to suggest modifying these variables as they are implemented by the developers.

6 gamers voted for the proposal.
0 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

Allowing players to change income tax levels is on our wish list. I will see if we can move it faster. Tax levels are different for low income and high income workers and professionals but it should be possible to reduce or increase them by a certain percentage.

Changing taxes will of course have an effect on the income of the country. It may also influence other parameters. It is clear that reducing taxes will have a positive effect in some situations and a negative one in ithers. Otherwise we could just abandon taxes for all countries.

We currently do not have any import taxes and introducing them, compared to other features and the effort involved, is does not have the highest priority. We will look into it at a later stage.

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