The Cost of Cargo Shuttle Missions

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The Cost of Cargo Shuttle Missions

Flying a cargo shuttle between your country and any space station represents some cost and the cost should be taken into account when you weigh the benefit of the expected transaction.

In the current economy and current rates, one flight reduces the life expectancy of the cargo shuttle by one unit. The average production price of a cargo shuttle is currently 1.5 gold coins which in the current exchange rates represents SC$ 70B. A cargo shuttle can run 1000 mission and the price per mission is then SC$ 70M. In addition, on maintenance units will be need. The price is expected to run at about 80M. This brings the total to 150M.

Higher quality cargo shuttles cost more and can run more missions. The price per mission is a little lower.

Flying a cargo shuttle to a space station, trading goods and returning to the country will costs about 300M. A cargo shuttle can transport 100.000 units and the price per unit is SC$ 3000 or SC$ 1.500 for a one way flight.

When planning the transport of products and when you need to decide on the price per product you plan to ask for when trading on a space station, you should take this cost into account. Example: 1 shuttle booster product takes 1000 space units. The transport of such a shuttle booster, one way, from your country to a space station will cost about SC$ 1.5M. The market price of a shuttle booster is between 3M and 8M.

Other products may show a transportation cost that will be far higher than the market price of the product. These products may be moved around for strategic reasons but trading of such products on a space station seems very expensive for both parties.

With changing rates and cost of production, the transport price may vary. We will publish updates from time to time. The price of products on space stations remains a free market price.

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