War level awards and gold coin awards

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War level awards and gold coin awards

When conquering a C3 country, the winner will in general find a large amount of game cash in the conquered country that can be used to compensate for the cost of the war. The amount depends on the war level of the C3 country.

When winning a war against a C3 country of war level 1, the amount of cash that remains in the country is around 250B. The amount is increasing with the war levels and is currently 15T if the C3 country is in war level 7.

The amounts are now four times higher for winning wars against C3 countries of war level 1 through 3 and increased to 6T for winning a war against a C3 country in war level 4.

In addition, there are gold coins awards for players who reach higher war levels. These awards are currently implemented on FB only.

As of today, war level awards on Fearless Blue world have increased.

When reaching war level 3, the award is 10 Gold coins. (was zero).
When reaching war level 4, the award is 50 gold coins (was 10 gold coins)
When reaching war level 5, the award is 50 gold coins (was 10 gold coins)
When reaching war level 6, the award is 75 gold coins (was 25 gold coins)
When reaching war level 7, the award is 100 gold coins (was 25 gold coins)

The total of award gold coins is increased from 70 gold coins to 285 gold coins for moving a country from war level 1 to war level 8.

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