Tiny Atlas Update

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Tiny Atlas Update

We discovered some errors and resolved them. in the process, Tiny Atlas disappeared for several hours but it is back.

Shuttles did not deliver automatically. they quickly started doing this correctly.

Population numbers and death rate start to change. the reason is non existing health system and hunger.

Direct trading transfers will be operational one week after registration of a country on TA. There might have been a wrong message before but it is resolved. You can try to transfer and you will see the number of days. All other products can be transferred now. you will need raw materials transferred to TA before you can have an operational corporation.

the direct trading market closure is removed. Now there is only the 7 days delay for new countries. counted from the moment of registration.

Population numbers, birth rates and death rates, depend more on the supply index and the health index.

Countries on TA will grow to about 4 millions. slowly if supplies and health remain very low.

Population will probably get stuck at about 4 million and transfers of additional population will have a smaller effect until the supply index and health are improving.

Simcountry Introduction