Migration Details

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Migration Details

The number of people migrating into your country or out of your country each month depends on your migration index.
There are three levels of exit migration, depending on your migration index.

Level 1: If the migration index is lower than 26: 0.03% of your population will migrate each game month.
Level 2: If the migration index is lower than 18: 0.06% of your population will migrate each game month.
Level 3: If the migration index is lower than 11: 0.1% of your population will migrate each game month.

The total number of migrants will enter countries with a high migration index also depend on the migration index. There are three levels of incoming migration:

Level 1: Incoming migration will start if the migration index is >55
Level 2: Incoming migration will become larger if the migration index is >70
Level 3: Incoming migration will be highest if the migration index is > 85

The numbers also depend on the total number of migrants who have left their countries.

Migration numbers could become larger if the country was involved in selling its population in the preceding period. The more population sold, the higher the emigration will be. The more purchases of population compensate for such sales, the smaller the damage will be. Numbers are reduced in time and the effect of population purchases will slowly disappear. Other population and professional transfers do not influence migration.

We will look into migration numbers in the coming weeks and may change the index levels and the percentages. The objective is to have a meaningful migration numbers but not at a destructive level.

Simcountry Introduction