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Simcountry terminology - dictionary of terms used in Simcountry

The most often used terms in simcountry are explained here. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact The Gamemaster. This list is maintained daily.

nwTransportEnableAutomation As long as your Game Level is under @strip(MAXgamelevelNEWMEMBERS)@ you can automate the setup of the Transportation sector. If you want to learn more about the Transportation sector, turned the feature off and follow the tips to improve transportation yourself.
offensive army The offensive army is used to attack your enemies. It can have air force weapons, land based forces and missiles. The offensive forces also include a navy. The weapons document has all the details on all weapons and their capabilities.
Offensive Force Index This index is a measure of the power of the offensive force. The offensive army can be used to attack other countries and includes both an air force, a navy including aircraft and helicopter carriers, ground forces and missile capabilities. Military units are NOT included in the index. This should be added. An offensive army is expensive to maintain. It is possible to reduce the cost in peace time by moving some of the weapons into the reserves and call them back when they are needed.
Offer amount in your own World Currency This is the amount you bid for the gold coins in the currency of your own world. Depending on the exchange rates in the worlds, biddings in other currencies may seem lower but will be compared to yours, taking the exchange rate into account.
Offer Contracts on Common Market The corporation can offer its products on the common market. The products are offered to countries (and their corporations) that participate in the common market. Contracts for delivery of the products can be closed automatically. It guarantees the corporation a stable market for its products and keeps larger part of the trading within the common market.
Offer Contracts on Local Market The corporation can offer its products on the local market. The products are offered to corporations in your own country only. Contracts for delivery of the products can be closed automatically. It guarantees the corporation a stable market for its products and keeps larger part of the trading within your own country.
Offer Contracts on Local- and Common Market The corporation can offer its products on the common and on the local market within your own country. The products are offered to countries (and their corporations) that participate in the common market and to your own corporations. Contracts for delivery of the products can be closed automatically. It guarantees the corporation a stable market for its products and keeps larger part of the trading within the common market.
Offer Contracts on the International Market The products can also be sold in bilateral contracts outside the local and common market. These contracts can be with any country anywhere in the world.
Offer Game Money No description available yet
Offer Number Of Gold Coins This is the number of gold coins offered. It can be an offer to purchase a product at a space market.
Offer Percentage Of The Total Production This is the percentage of product that will be offered in the contracts for all the corporations. It will be the same percentage for all the corporations.
Offer Products No description available yet
Offering Game Money For Gold Coins It is now only possible to exchange gold coins into game money.
Offering Gold Coins The number of gold coins you want to offer for direct trade.
Order Efficiency Upgrade This function is used to order one efficiency upgrade for each of your corporations. It is used if the automatic upgrading process is turned off and you decide to upgrade all your corporations at once and add one upgrade.
Order Max Efficiency Upgrade This function is used to order the maximum number (max is two), of efficiency upgrades for each of your corporations. It is used if the automatic upgrading process is turned off and you decide to upgrade all your corporations at once and add two upgrades.
Order Max Quality Upgrade This function is used to order the maximum number (max is two), of quality upgrades for each of your corporations. It is used if the automatic upgrading process is turned off and you decide to upgrade all your corporations at once and add two upgrades.
Order Quality Upgrade This function is used to order one quality upgrade for each of your corporations. It is used if the automatic upgrading process is turned off and you decide to upgrade all your corporations at once and add one upgrade.
Order Quantity in Months The ordered quantity in months. The actual quantity in units is based on the consumption by the population last month.
Others can see that I am online It is possible to change the setting so that no one will be able to see that you are on line. You will be able to see who is on line but that list may be incomplete because others too can use this function and remove themselves from the list.
Output Product This is the product that is produced by this corporations. Each corporations currently produced one single product.
Output Quality This is the quality of the product a corporation produces. It depends on the quality of the products that are used in the production process and it also depends on the quality of the corporation. If the corporations quality is upgraded, it will produce higher quality products.
Outstanding Loans This is the total amount of loans the corporation received. Corporations take loans to cover for bad periods and they need money to invest in higher efficiency and to increase their product quality. Corporations also keep large quantities of raw materials in stock to make sure they can continue their production and do not need to stop due to lack of materials. These materials cost large amounts of money and are frequently financed by loans. If loans get out of hand, the corporation is tagged as near bankruptcy and if loans keep going up, the corporation may bankrupt and close.
Outstanding Shares This is the total number of shares of the corporation. Most corporations have 100.000.000 shares outstanding. Corporations can issue more shares or they can decide to buy back shares from the market.
Owned Share Count This is the number of shares in the corporation currently owned in the portfolio
P%2FE Ratio No description available yet
P/E Ratio This is the price of a share, divided by the profit per share. It is a measure of the profitability of a corporation. Low P/E ratio means the corporation is more profitable. When the profit per share increases, the P/E ratio is reduced. When shares become more expensive because of demand on the market, the P/E ratio is increasing.
Package Key Once you create the asset package, you will receive an asset key which is a unique code that can be given or traded with anyone. Anyone who has the Package Key can login into Simcountry and claim the asset. Assets can of course be claimed once and once this is done, the asset will be added to the account of the new owner.
paymentExpected Payments
paymentIndication Payments
paymentSucceeded Payments
pbestpres Best Presidents
pbestwarlords Best Warlords
pcdel Communication Centre
pcfind Communication Centre
pcfindagain Communication Centre
pcfindbetter Communication Centre
pclist Communication Centre
pcnew Communication Centre
pcorps Corporations
pdepartments Department of ...
Peace Treaty Countries can arrange for peace treaties between them. They can also just contact each other and agree not to attack but whether they do or do not attack depends on their keeping to their promise. A treaty is more than a promise. It makes it impossible to attack. If both parties agree to a treaty for an agreed period, the system will not allow them to declare war during that period. treaties are important if the parties do not know each other and are not sure the other will keep its promises.
Peace Treaty Status The status of all peace treaties can be viewed on this page. Peace treaties can be set up between countries. If a treaty is accepted, both countries are prevented from attacking each other for the treaty period. The status of the treaty is either accepted or Not accepted yet. It is set to Accepted if the country which is offered to join, indeed accepts it.
peaceTreatyExpiresSummary The peace treaty between @peaceTreatyExpiresSummaryOffering@ and @peaceTreatyExpiresSummaryAccepting@ expires in @peaceTreatyExpiresSummaryMonth@ month.
peaceTreatyExpiresTitle Peace treaty between @peaceTreatyExpiresTitleOffering@ and @peaceTreatyExpiresTitleAccepting@ expiring
pempire The Empire
Pending Efficiency Upgrades Pending upgrades are upgrades that have been requested but not delivered yet. The reason may be the delivery time of such upgrades or it is the result of shortages of upgrades on the market. Shortages can cause long delays in the delivery of the upgrades.
Pending Quality Upgrades Pending upgrades are upgrades that have been requested but not delivered yet. The reason may be the delivery time of such upgrades or it is the result of shortages of upgrades on the market. Shortages can cause long delays in the delivery of the upgrades.
Pension Month Income per retired Person The pension fund is investing the pension contributions that are paid by workers to generate income for retired workers. The invested funds generate a monthly income which is paid to all retired workers. Some of the money is invested on the share market and some is generating fixed income as it is loaned to the world bank.
Pension per Pensioner No description available yet
Pension Percentage of Low Level Workers Monthly Salary This is an indication of the quality of the pensions in the country. It is shown as a percentage of the low level workers salary. The higher it is, the better pensions are paid in the country.
People available for transfer This is the number of people that are available for transfer out of the country. The number depends on the population of the country but the population cannot drop under 20 millions.
It means that the number available for transfer is the population less 20 millions. If the populations is <20 millions, the number is zero and no transfer is possible.
People Migrated last month People can migrate from one country to another. It happens when conditions in the country are very good (immigration) or the conditions are bad (emigration). This shows the number of people who migrated last month. (positive or negative).
Percentage of Shares owned This is the percentage of shares you own in this corporation. If the corporation is not a public corporation, you probably own 100%.
Percentage Unemployed This is the percentage of workers who are unemployed. The more people that are unemployed, the more the country pays for social security. In addition, unemployed people reduce the level of confidence in the economy and lower the general welfare. High unemployment results in lower score. The employment percentage is a strong factor in the country score.
pfedit Public Profile
pfupdate Public Profile
pgalaxy Country Space Program
plog Simcountry
plogplay Home
plogvisiting Home
pmap Maps
pmdel Communication Centre
pmessages In-game Messages
pmilunits Military Units
pmlist Communication Centre
pmnew Communication Centre
pmoney Country Assets & Money
pmreply Communication Centre
pmview Communication Centre
pnb News Preferences
pnewspaper Local News
pnp News Preferences
pnpsort News Preferences
Portal popup You can ask questions, request help, exchange opinions and criticize anyone, mainly the Simcountry team.
ppCardPayment Payments
ppedit Public Profile
ppIPN Payments
ppupdate Public Profile
ppview Public Profile
ppview2 Public Profile
prefabSites My Site
presBoycottCon  @conCount@ presidents voted against it.
presBoycottLevel1 The country and its corporations cannot trade Services on the World Market.
presBoycottLevel2 The country and its corporations cannot trade Services, High-tech Services, Chemicals, Oil and Computers on the World Market.
presBoycottLevel3 The country and its corporations cannot trade any product on the World Market.
presBoycottPro A boycott against your country "@cntrName@" is supported by @proCount@ presidents.
President The president is the person who takes all the decisions concerning the country. If you play the game, you are the president of the country. You have power of decision and you have many responsibilities. The president can have an empire which is a group of countries he conquered and in that case, he is the president of all the countries in the empire.
President Name No description available yet
Price No description available yet
Private Private corporations are owned by an enterprise. These corporations reside in a country but that country does not own them. The corporation pays salaries to workers in the country and also pays taxes on its profits. In addition, private corporations pay part of their revenue to the country. Private corporations are beneficial for the country as they create many jobs and high income. Private corporations can upgrade to a higher level than state corporations, they become more profitable. In addition, private corporations make it possible for the country to employ people who are disabled and return them into the job market. They also function in stimulating house wives to return to the job market and the result is a higher participation of the population and a better potential to develop the country even further.
Private Corporations These are corporations that are owned by a private enterprise. They are located in a country but owned by the enterprise. They might have been sold by the country or the enterprise have set them up and placed them in a country.
Privately Held Corporations Private corporations are owned by an enterprise. These corporations reside of course in a country but that country does not own the corporation. The corporation pays salaries to workers in the country and also pays taxes on its profits. In addition, private corporations pay part of their revenue to the country. Private corporations are beneficial for the country as they create many jobs and high income. Private corporations can upgrade to a higher level than state corporations and as a result, they become more profitable. In addition, private corporations make it possible for the country to rehabilitate people who are disabled and return them into the job market. They also function in stimulating house wives to return to the job market and the result is a higher participation of the population and a far better potential to develop the country even further.
Produced Quality This is the quality of the product that was produced by the corporation in the last month. The quality is between 100 and 260. At 200, the product has a quality which is twice the quality of the original products. If these products are offered at 200% (twice the original price), they will look the same as a product of quality 100 for the price of 100. If offered at 190%, these products will look cheap. In this way, corporations are encouraged to produce at a high quality and try to get very high prices for their products or use the high quality to compete on the market.
Product The name of the product the corporation needs for the production process. All the listed products are needed for this corporation.
Product Availability These are the products that are needed as raw materials for the new corporation and their available on the markets.
Product in Stock This is the amount of product that a corporation has in stock. The reason can be that is was not sold yet or it was retained for contracts of retained for any other reason to be sold later.
Product Market Price This is the current market price of the product. The price is used here as a reference to show the offer price in comparison with the current market price.
Product Offered This is the quantity of product that the corporation offered on the market. It represent products that were offered on the market and were not sold yet.
Product Quality This is the average quality of the raw materials the corporation has in stock. Products are available in standard quality 100 or higher. If you upgrade your production process, your quality will increase. If you purchase higher quality products, it will show in this column and it will increase the quality of the products produced by the corporation.
Product Retained Each Month For Contracts If a corporation has private direct contracts with others to deliver products, it must retain some of its produce so it can deliver on it's contracts. The rest of the produce can be offered on the market. Corporations can be set to automatically retain the products they need for all their contracts. Look for the automation page for the setting of this property for all your corporations.
Product Stock This shows how much product is available at the corporation. The products are raw materials that are needed for the production. If the figures are green, it means that there is enough product for the coming month to keep the corporation going. If the figures are in red, there is not enough raw material and there is a danger that the corporation will have to stop production. Most times, product orders have been placed already but were not delivered yet mainly because of shortages. You can replace the orders by higher bids or immediate orders that get priority. In both cases, you will pay more for the products.
Production This column shows the production level in the corporation as a percentage of the full capacity. The production level depends on the availability of raw materials, and workers in the corporation and on the welfare level of the workers which depends mainly on their salaries. Even if materials and workers are available, production level may remain lower if the welfare level is low. Production level can increase higher than 100% if salary levels are very high.
Production Last Month This is the amount of product the corporation produced last month.
Production Level Last Month This is the percentage of production last month. At full production capacity this is 100% or in some cases even a little higher.
Production Plant Each corporation needs a production plant. When you build a new corporation, a production plant is constructed. Some times the production plant is a large factory, some times it is a huge farm with all the equipment needed. You may also set up a corporation that builds construction plants. In a growing world economy, they will be needed.
Production Process Efficiency The production process of a corporation can be upgraded. At the start, the efficiency level is at a standard of 100. You can upgrade the corporation by purchasing upgrade products and increase efficiency. This will result in a smaller number of workers. The number of low level workers will decrease and more high tech and it will be required and more high tech services. The result however is increased efficiency and more profit. The corporation produces cheaper and may decide to lower the price which will make it easier to sell the product.
Production Process Quality A corporation starts with a production process that produces all products at a standard quality of 100. If the corporation is upgraded by 1 point to 101, it will produce better products of quality level 101. The quality level may also increase if the corporation is using higher quality raw materials in the production process. A corporation can decide on what quality raw materials it wants to use.
Products Available This is the available materials to make the product of your choice.
Products Needed These are the materials that are needed to make the product of your choice.
Products Unpacked No description available yet
Profit Contributions by State Controlled Corporations This is the percentage of profit that state controlled corporations are paying the country. The amount is not a tax but rather a percentage of the net profit that is transferred to the country. The corporations are owned by the country and with this feature, they transfer some of their cash to the owner.
Profit Last Month This is the amount of money the corporation earned last month. It depends on what it sold and what it paid for salaries, products it needed for the production, interest payments etc.
Profit Last Year This is the amount of money the corporation earned last year. It depends on what it sold and what it paid for salaries, products it needed for the production, interest payments etc.
Profit or Loss This is the total amount of profit or loss (shown as negative number) so far this year. This amount has a direct influence on the available cash in the country. Profit means that cash increases. Loss will reduce the available cash. It also has an effect on the financial index that is important in the total country score.
Profit paid by State Owned Corporations This is the amount of money paid to the government by the state owned corporations. This amount comes on top of taxes paid by all the corporations. State owned corporations pay the government part of their profits. The percentage they pay can be set or changed by the president.
Profit Payments It is possible to set the level of profit payments for all the corporations you own. Profit payments are in fact dividends that are paid by the corporations to their owners if they are profitable. Profit payments will only take place if the corporation is free of debt and its cash level is sufficient to allow the purchase of raw materials and payment of salaries. In public corporations, the amount of profit payments is divided between the share owners and each receives equal amount per share he/she owns.
Propose Contract You can fill here in the name of the country you want to contract with.
Proposed Contracts This is the proposed product quantity for this contract.
psitemap_xs Government
Public Offering A corporation can offer its shares to the public, selling them on the stock market. The first time this is taking place is called IPO or Initial Public Offering. After the IPO, the corporation shares are for the first time, traded on the stock market. A public shares offering can be done by offering new shares to the public or by selling some of the existing shares on the market. When new shares are sold, the corporation receives the proceeds of the sale. When existing shares are sold, the current owners of these shares receive the proceeds from the sale.
pvlist Voting
pvnew Voting
pvrec Voting
pwar War and the Army
Quality of Supplies This is the quality of supplies ordered by the country. You can easily control the quality by entering the required quality on the quality page in the trade menu.
Quality of the Product This is the quality of the products produced by the corporation. Many corporations quality is 100 which is the standard in the market. It is however possible to invest more in the corporation and increase the quality level. Higher quality products are easier to sell. They can be sold even if their price is higher. Example: If the quality of a product is 150 this is 50% higher than most products. It can be sold for 30% higher price and will be considered 20% cheaper than the standard price at quality 100.
Quality of your Production Process This is the quality of the production process. It shows what the corporation production process does to product quality. The quality of the products depends on the quality of the raw materials used and the quality of the production process. If the average quality of the raw materials is 100 and the corporation's quality index is 110, then the produced product will have a 110 quality. If the raw materials average quality is 102, the output quality will be about 2% better. So both the raw materials and the quality of the production process influence the quality of the produced products.
quickaccount Signup
Rail Network Size This is the total length of your rail road system in the country.
Railroad Index The railroad index is one of the three components of the transportation index. The railroad index depends on the total length of railroads in the country and the length of railroads needed. If the length needed is equal to the length of the existing railroads, the railroad index will move gradually to 100.
The transportation index tends to move in the direction of the lower of the three partial indexes: the road index, the railroad index and the water treatment index.
It does not make sense to increase only one of the three components because the transportation index will remain similar to the lowest of the three.

Increasing the railroad index is easy: just build new railroads and the index will increase.
Raise Cash Level of Corporation This field is used to specify the required cash level in the corporations. It is done for all the corporations at once and is a way to solve any possible cash requirements by corporations. If the required level is lower than the cash in any corporation, that corporation will not receive any cash injections. The function is one of many that are intended to simplify the management of corporations.
Rank This number shows where you are on the world list. If your are number 1, you are on top of the list. The second number, with + or - sign, shows where you where before. So if your first number (rank) is 5 and the second number is +1 it means that previously you where number 6 and you went up one place.
Raw Materials Purchased from Local Corporations This is the cost of the purchase of raw materials from corporations in the country itself. Purchasing of raw materials from your own corporations is mostly done if the corporations have large quantities of raw materials that they do not need. The materials are added to the stock of the country and are used as a strategic reserve. The materials can be sold back on the market or to other corporations in the country that may need them to prevent shortages if there are shortages of these materials on the world market.
Raw Materials Purchased from own Corporations This is the amount of money paid to corporations that are controlled by the enterprise, for materials that were sold by these corporations to the enterprise.
Raw Materials Sold to own Corporations This is the amount of money paid by corporations that are controlled by the enterprise, for materials that were sold by enterprise to these corporations.
rcmacceptemb Trade Countries & Enterprises
rcmacceptmmb Cash Market
rcmacceptpmb Population Transfers
rcmlistemb Trade Countries & Enterprises
rcmlistmmb Cash Market
rcmlistpmb Population Transfers
rcmmain Trade Countries & Enterprises
rcmmyemb Trade Countries & Enterprises
rcmmyemo Trade Countries & Enterprises
rcmmymmb Cash Market
rcmmymmo Cash Market
rcmmypmb Population Transfers
rcmmypmo Population Transfers
rcmnewemb Trade Countries & Enterprises
rcmnewemb2_cConfirmFunction embConfirmed2()
rcmnewemb2_cConfirmText Continue
rcmnewemb2_cHead Game Level Awards
rcmnewemb2_cLine2 You are about to place a bid on a Country.
rcmnewemb2_cLine4 Please note you will NOT receive Game Level Awards (Gold Coins) if your Game Level increases in the 30 days after this country was purchased!
rcmnewemb2_eConfirmFunction embConfirmed2()
rcmnewemb2_eConfirmText Continue
rcmnewemb2_eHead Game Level Awards
rcmnewemb2_eLine2 You are about to place a bid on an Enterprise.
rcmnewemb2_eLine4 When your bid is accepted and the enterprise is yours, your Game Level might increase in the near future because of this purchase.
rcmnewemb2_eLine5 Please note you will NOT receive Game Level Awards (Gold Coins) if your Game Level increases in the 30 days after this enterprise was purchased!
rcmnewemb_cCancelText Cancel
rcmnewemb_cConfirmFunction embConfirmed()
rcmnewemb_cConfirmText Continue
rcmnewemb_cHead Bid Coins for Countries or Enterprises
rcmnewemb_cLine2 You are about to place a bid on a Country on the Cash Market.
rcmnewemb_cLine4 When your bid is accepted and the country is yours, the country must be extended by 1 month for @strip(COINS_PER_MONTH)@ Gold Coins.
rcmnewemb_cLine5 Please accept or refuse.
rcmnewemb_eConfirmFunction embConfirmed()
rcmnewemb_eConfirmText Cancel
rcmnewemb_eHead Bid Coins for Countries or Enterprises
rcmnewemb_eLine2 You are about to place a bid on an Enterprise on the Cash Market.
rcmnewemb_eLine4 When your bid is accepted and the enterprise is yours, the enterprise must be extended by 1 month for @strip(COINS_PER_MONTH)@ Gold Coins.
rcmnewemb_eLine5 Please accept or refuse.
rcmnewemo Trade Countries & Enterprises
rcmnewmmb Cash Market
rcmnewmmo Cash Market
rcmnewpmb Population Transfers
rcmnewpmo Population Transfers
rcmnewpmoCancelText Cancel
rcmnewpmoConfirmFunction pmoConfirmed()
rcmnewpmoConfirmText Confirm
rcmnewpmoHead Selling Population
rcmnewpmoLine2 If you are selling off your population, some age groups will be depleted.
rcmnewpmoLine3 It has also a major adverse effect on the welfare index of the country.
and will cause massive emigration from your country.
rcmnewpmoLine5 Please confirm to continue!
rcmnewwemo Trade Countries & Enterprises
rcmnewwmmo Trade Countries & Enterprises
rcmnewwpmo Population Transfers
rcmsrchemo Trade Countries & Enterprises

How to Play Simcountry