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Simcountry terminology - dictionary of terms used in Simcountry

The most often used terms in simcountry are explained here. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact The Gamemaster. This list is maintained daily.

CorporationsLink Corporations
Corps Bought/closed/moved and Enterprise tax This is the amount of money paid last month for the purchasing of existing corporations form another CEO or from a country. The price can be very high, the range is several billions to hundreds of billions or more. It can also be an amount of money that was paid to a country when the enterprise moved a corporation out of the country or decided to close it. Moving a corporation or the closure of a corporation causes major damage to the country and the enterprise is compensating the country for that damage. The compensation is 50% of the value of the corporation with a minimum of 50 Billions.
Cost of building Hospitals This is the cost that was paid year to date for the building of new hospitals. The cost is a one time expense and is not part of the monthly cost. The cost of maintaining the hospitals, operations cost etc. is part of the regular monthly cost and it will increase as result of the purchasing of new hospitals.
Cost of building new State Corporations Building a state corporation costs a large amount of money. The amount is not always the same, it depends on what kind of corporation is build. High-tech industry or an oil company are more expensive to build than and agricultural corporation. The amount depends even more on the supply and demand of production facilities.
Cost of building Roads and Train Tracks This is the cost that was paid year to date for the building of new roads and train tracks. The cost is a one time expense and is not part of the monthly cost. The cost of maintaining the roads and train tracks, the monthly operations cost etc. is part of the regular monthly cost and it will increase as result of the purchasing of new roads and train tracks. It falls into the cost of transportation.
Cost of building Schools and Universities This is the cost that was paid year to date for the building of new schools, high schools and universities. The cost is a one time expense and is not part of the monthly cost. The cost of maintaining the schools and universities, the monthly operations cost etc. is part of the regular monthly cost and it will increase as result of the expansion of the education system.
Cost of Care This is the cost involved in taking care of disabled people, retired people and the unemployed. The cost depends on the number of people in these groups and how much they get paid. The payment level is set the user as a percentage of the salary of low level workers.
Cost of New Corporations This is the amount of money paid last month for the setup of new corporations. It is in fact the cost of the production plant. The cost of a production plant may vary widely. They are bought on the open market (in most cases) and the price depends on the supply and demand levels. Up to three corporations can be setup in one single game month if boosters are used.
Counter Attack Counter attack is an automatic attack executed when your country is attacked. Normally the defense forces will try to reduce an attack, shoot down airplanes and destroy incoming missiles and generally attack the attacking units. In counter attacks, you can attack targets in the attacking country as a response to an attack.
CountriesHeader Countries
CountriesLink Countries
Country Advice Menu: Departments ‐‐> Educations ‐‐> Education priorities
Country Buy Quality This is the quality the country will purchase for its products. The higher the quality the higher the price and it has an influence on the welfare index of the country.
Country Controlled Public Corporations Country controlled public corporations are public corporations where the largest share holder (which is not an investment fund) is the country. The largest share holder does not have to hold a majority of the shares. If the country holds 51% of the shares, it is obviously the largest share holder but it may also hold 10% of the shares and if none of the other share holders have more that 10%, it remains the largest. It is possible that one of the other shareholders will buy more shares and have more than 10%. If this shareholder is an enterprise, the corporation will become enterprise controlled public corporation and control will pass to the enterprise that holds these shares. In case that an investment funds is the major shareholder, control will remain with the largest shareholder which in not an investment fund. Investment funds can be large shareholders but they never control corporations. Public corporations can achieve higher quality and efficiency than state and private corporations. Public corporations where the largest share holder has less than 25% of the shares, can achieve even much higher quality and efficiency and can become very profitable.
Country Name No description available yet
Country Order Quantity This is the quantity that is ordered when the country stock drops below the low-water mark. The quantity is in months or in units, based on the chosen strategy.
Country Order Strategies Decide when products should be ordered. By default, the game makes a decision based on the consumption by the population last month. You can decide to create such orders based on the consumption last month or based on absolute quantities in units. For products that are not used by the population, the president can only trigger orders by quantity.
Country Resources Used This is the amount of money paid to the country this month, or year to date etc. for the use of country resources. A corporation residing in a country, must make this payment which is a percentage of the corporate revenue. Only privately owned and public corporations pay this. State owned corporations do not pay as they are owned by the state.
Country Stock This is the number of products the country or enterprise now have in stock. You can see how many you have and decide how many you want or can purchase.
countrymap Country Map
countrymodel Documentation - Countries
countryNewsCloseToBankruptCashMessage @cntrNewsCountry@ has negative cash. The President should move money into the country or take loans. The money may orginate from another country.
countryNewsCloseToBankruptMaterialsMessage @cntrNewsCountry@ has sever shortages of all kinds of materials. The President should move money into the country or take loans and place orders to resolve the shortages.
countryNewsCloseToBankruptSummary The country has severe shortages.
Coverage Consumption Contracts This column shows the quantities of products that are covered by contracts signed by the country. Next to it, a percentage is shown. If the quantity of products that are already contracted is equal to the consumption level, the percentage should be 100%. If no contracts have been signed, the percentage is 0.
Coverage Consumption Contracts Percentage These figures show per product, which percentage of the needs of the country is covered by contracts. If the percentage is zero, it may mean that there are no corporations in the country or in the common market that produce that product. A number under 100 may mean that production by corporations in the country or common market is insufficient to cover the needs of the country. If the percentage is 100%, it means that production of that product is sufficient.
Coverage Supply Contracts This column shows the quantities of products that are covered by signed contracts by the corporation. Next to it, a percentage is shown. If the quantity of products that are already contracted is equal to the quantity used by the corporation in the production process, the percentage should be 100%. If no contracts have been signed, the percentage is 0.
cpopulation Population Distribution
cprofforce Professional Soldiers and Officers
creategifts Payments
creditsneeded Gold Coins
creditsSaleCanceled Payments
crestoreupload Settings
cretired Retirement Details
cscore Score Calculation for @strip(vCountryName)@
csecret Settings
csettings Settings
csettings1 Settings
csocialsecurity Social Security Payments and Budget
cspacecenter Space Center
cspaceindustry @strip(vCountryName)@ Space Industry
cspaceprogram Country Space Program
cstratforce Strategic Army
cSubmitTransferPeople Your Empire
cSubmitTransferProducts Your Empire
ctransfer Your Empire
ctranspickcountry Your Empire
ctransportation Roads, Rail Roads and Water Treatment
ctransprod Your Empire
ctutor Game Level 2 in 60 seconds and receive 10 Gold Coins
cunemployed Unemployment Details
cupload Settings
currency The world currency is the Dolleuro. In many places in the game we use $E to show amounts of money. We also use $ in some places but the intention is the same. All countries are using the same currency.
Current Budget Budgets are currently not used in Simcountry.
Current population size This is the number of people that could be transferred to another country. The number is such that if all these people are transferred, the country will have no less than 40 millions in population.
customizeSite My Site
cwhatsnext Now What - Guidelines on what to do next
Damage by War War damage happens when a target is attacked. It must be repaired in the months following the attack. If damaged, corporations produce less or nothing and city damage must be repaired quickly. The repair money is invested in construction. The cost of repairs is showing on the financial pages.
Damage Point When you fight during war and you attack and destroy targets, you create damage points to tour enemy. Each fortification you destroy adds to the damage points and so do damaged cities, corporations etc. The war index of your enemy is 100 less the damage points. if you succeed in making 100 damage points against your enemy, his war index will be zero and you win the war.
Date Offered This is the date the product was offered on the market. The longer the product is waiting and remains unsold, the more desperate the corporation will become. It is important to make sure all products made by the corporations are sold.
Debt This is the current debt of the country. Debt is part of the net cash computation.
Debt in Corporations This is the total amount of debt in all the corporations owned by the country. Cash can move between the country and its corporations and debt is therefore part of the net cash of the country.
Debt of the Country This is the amount of money the country owes to the world bank or other players. The amount is taken as loans and the country is paying interest. You can view the list of your loans on the loans page. Loans are fine if you invest in growth to increase your income. High loans and low income will result in more loans and may end in bankruptcy.
Debt of the Enterprise This is the total debt of the enterprise. Enterprises take loans to pay for new corporations and to pay for corporations they purchase. Debt carries interest and the interest payments are depressing the capability of the enterprise to be profitable.
Default Corporation Order Strategy This allows you to set the corporation to order a default quantity in terms of number of months supplies. Currently 9 months.
Default Country Order Strategy The game makes a decision based on the consumption by the population last month.
Defense Budget This is the amount of money reserved for all defense functions. The budget functions have been disabled as it became too difficult to manage.
Defense Cost This is the amount of money spent on defense in the current month. The amount is spent on maintaining the defense forces, including the salaries and ammunition used in training. Amounts spent for the purchasing of new weapon, ammunition and the building of military bases, fortifications and the navy carriers is not included.
Defense Index The defense index is a measure for the quality and size of army. It is composed out of three indexes, the defensive, offensive and strategic indexes. It is however possible to play the game as a peaceful country.
Defense Size This is the size of your defense force. It shows how many soldiers and officers you have. Officers are mid level managers younger than 50 years. Soldiers are low level workers under 50 years. If the army needs them, it has a priority and recruits them from corporations. It can cause shortages in corporations and cause reduced production. If the army becomes smaller for any reason, some officers and soldiers may return to the job market.
defense Target You are protected from war in the initial playing period and you can extend that period. Long term, you do need defense.
The target number is an initial level of defense. It is insufficient in case of a large war. Lower levels of defense may invite attacks.
Defensive Force The defensive force consists of defense only weapons. It can not be used to attack. Typically it includes interceptors and helicopter wings, Defense Missile units, and divisions of ground forces. Air defense units are essential in the defense as they can stop some of the incoming missiles. Defensive missile units are essential in destroying the attacking forces. Read details about each weapon system in the weapons document. It includes many details about each and every weapon system.
Defensive Force Index This is a measure of quality and size of the defensive forces. Military units are NOT included in the index. This should be resolved. The defense should include interceptor wings and their ammunition To reduce the damage by enemy attacks, the defense should have many missile interceptor batteries and ammunition. Defensive missiles will auto attack enemy weapons and are needed to deter/reduce attacks. Read the war and weapons manual.
delaccount Close Account
delentity Please Confirm
delgadgetConfirmFunction desk_deleteGadget()
delgadgetConfirmText Remove Gadget
delgadgetHead Delete Gadget
delgadgetLine2 Are you sure you want to remove @strip(miArg1)@ from your desktop?
delgadgetLine4 Please click Remove Gadget to confirm!
desktopbackground Desktop background
desktopborder Desktop borders
desktopsettings Change Appearance
Direct Trading Market Price No description available yet
Disabled Disabled people receive social security payments. Their number depends on the size of the population. During war, thousands or even millions may be wounded and will be added to the numbers of disabled. The wounded can be treated in war hospitals. Some will die, many will return to the workers market. Disabled people can be treated in special clinics. Read about this on the health pages and find out about setting them up. Large numbers of wounded and disabled may cause shortage of workers and professionals and increase the cost of social security
disasterBeginOfBody The @disasterKind@ had a magnitude of @disasterMagnitude@.
disasterCorpTitle Factory damaged by @disasterKind@
disasterEvacuatedReturned @evacuatedReturned@ people returned home.
disasterPersonsDied @personsDied@ victims of the disaster died this month.
disasterRecoveryComplete The people of @recoveryCompleteCountry@ did now completely recover from this disaster.
disasterRecoverySummary The population of @recoverySummaryCountry@ is trying to recover from this disaster
disasterRecoveryTitle Recovering from a @recoveryTitleName@
disasterSubjectCorp A recent @disasterKind@ caused severe damage to @unrestSubjectCorporationName@
disasterWoundedRecovered @woundedRecovered@ of the wounded persons recovered.
docletborder Window Border
docletbuttonbackground Button Background
docletbuttonforeground Button Text Colour
doclethyperlink Link Text Colour
docleticonbackground Icon Background
docleticonforeground Icon Text Colour
docletlistborder List Border
docletlistdataforeground List Text Colour
docletlistheaderbackground List Header Background
docletlistheaderforeground List Header Text Colour
doclettextforeground Window Text Colour
doclettitlebackground Title Background
doclettitleforeground Title Text Colour
docletwindowbackground Window Background
Doctor Education Priority This is the education priority for Doctors. A number between 2 and 10 will be sufficient in most cases. If you experience shortages or if you want to improve the health system quickly, priorities can be increased for some time but never forget to reduce them or you may end up with large numbers of unemployed doctors.
downloadSheet Spread Sheet
Due The date this loan should be paid back
earncash Earn Cash
earncashRequest Earn Cash
earncashSubmit Earn Cash
Earning per Share This is the amount earned by the corporation per outstanding share. The total amount earned if the earning per share x number of outstanding shares.
Earning per Share In Recent Period This is the profit per share that the corporation made in a recent period. It is a measure of profitability of the corporation. The more profit per share, the better the corporation is doing. Increased profit per share will reduce the P/E ratio which is the price of a share divided by the profit per share. The lower the P/E ratio is, the better. The period for which the profit is measured is around one game year.
earthQuakeBody @earthQuakeKilled@ were killed and @earthQuakeWounded@ persons were wounded.
earthQuakeCenter The epicenter of the quake was in @earthQuakeCenterCountry@.
earthQuakeEvacuated @earthQuakeEvacuees@ were displaced by the earthquake.
earthQuakeIntro The official magnitude of the earthquake was @earthQuakeMagnitude@ which was felt in the whole country.
earthQuakeTitle @earthQuakeTitleName@ hits @earthQuakeTitleCountry@
Economic Support - Easy Mode Several features that will guarantee that essential parameters in your country remain within reasonable values. These features are in effect for everyone playing less than a year. We strongly recommend to keep this feature on.
Education Budget This is the monthly education budget. This is the amount reserved by the government for education. The total cost of education includes the government contribution but also includes a contribution by the population. Only high income families pay a contribution to the education system.
Education Contributions This is the amount of money that is paid by the population for education. It is low for the lower income groups. With higher income, the percentage is increasing. The contribution does not cover the cost of the education system. Government pays the balance.
Education Contributions and Cost The country is paying for the education system. This is cost for the country. People in the country and mainly those with higher income are paying a contribution from their income to ease the cost of education. In almost all cases, the total cost of education is much higher than the contribution by the population.
Education Costs This is the cost of the education system this month. It includes salaries and other cost involved in keeping schools, high schools and universities running. This amount does not include the cost of building the facilities. The cost includes the maintenance of the back to the job market schools (universities) that give a one year training to house wives who want to return to the job market. Read more about it on the education pages.
Education Index This is the index that represents the level of education in the country
The higher the index, the better the education. The index has three components. The school index, the high school index and the university index.
The education index tends to move in the direction of the lowest of these three indexes.
Long term, try to increase the education index to a level of up to 200.
Education Priorities You can influence the education system and make it educate professionals in areas you need them. It takes time to train them and you should set these priorities in advance. The education priorities are shown as numbers. The total of these numbers should be 120 or more. A total lower than 120, reduces the number of graduates from your schools. A total higher than 120 does not influence the number of graduates.
Education setup and development This feature will gradually build your education system in a balanced way and bring it to an index level of 120.
Efficiency of your Corporation Corporations are successful if they can produce products at a lower cost. High efficiency means that they can produce the same products and use a smaller number of workers. As a corporate owner you may invest in more efficiency and improve the performance of a corporation. This is done by purchasing upgrades. The upgrading process can be manual and can also set to automatic but it will result in high cost. Upgraded corporations are in general much more profitable. The boosters system in the game makes it possible to upgrade corporations much faster. Look into the booster system when you login. It is part of the gold coins section.
Electric Power corporations The country may have corporations that produce electric power from gas & oil. This is the amount of electric power they produced this month.
Elementary Schools This line shows the number of elementary schools in your country.
It also show the number needed for a reasonable education and the elementary school index which is a measure for the quality.
It should be >150.
elesson Game Level 2 in 60 seconds and receive 10 Gold Coins
Empire No description available yet
Empire Leader This is the leader country in the empire. Each empire has an empire leader. This is usually the strongest country in the empire. The leader country can be replaced.
Empire Slave This is a name for a country that is not the empire leader. It is part of the empire and was probably conquered in war and added to the empire.
Empire Slave Countries No description available yet
empireMarketInvited Forwarded from @cntrName@

@cntrName@ is invited to join the common market '@mktName@'. Please join us!
EmpiresHeader Empires
EmpiresLink Empires
Employees This is the number of employees currently working for the corporation. The numbers are shown per profession. Some are zero because the corporation does not need this category of employees. Numbers change with the hiring level and the upgrade level of the corporation. Upgrading reduces the number of low levels employees while more professionals must be hired.
Employees in CEO Controlled No description available yet
Employees in State Controlled No description available yet
Employment Index This is the employment index of the country. At 90 to 95 it is excellent. If the country has many corporations and the education system is well tuned to produce the professionals needed in the economy, employment numbers of 90%+ are possible. The employment index is important and counts heavily in the country score. High unemployment will increase the cost of social security and reduce country income from taxes.
Employment Level Last Month This shows how many people were employed last month. The number grows if corporations are increasing their production and when the number of corporations increases. It is also higher when there are more schools, hospitals and other government activities. The army also hires many soldiers and officers from the ranks of low level workers and mid level managers.
Energy Balance This is the amount of produced electric power, minus the amount of electric power used. The balance shows either a surplus or a shortage.
Energy used by all corporations This is the monthly amount of energy used by all the corporations in the country. Private use by the population is not included.
Energy used by the population This is the monthly amount of energy used by the population in the country. It does not include energy used by corporations in the country.
enowwhat How to improve your enterprise
entBankruptMessage The netcash limit for enterprises is @debtLimit@T SC$.

The netcash position of "@entName@" is @netCash@T SC$.

Please improve the financial position of your enterprise before it goes bankrupt.
Enterprise The enterprise game is a separate section within Simcountry but it is frequently played in combination with being a president of a country. An enterprise can build or acquire many corporations in many countries. An enterprise can become a major economic force, trade with countries and with other enterprises, can setup strategic reserves and play the market.
Enterprise Controlled Public Corporations Enterprise controlled public corporations are public corporations where the largest share holder (which is not an investment fund) is the enterprise. The largest share holder does not have to hold a majority of the shares. If the enterprise holds 51% of the shares, it is obviously the largest share holder but it may also hold 10% of the shares and if none of the other share holders have more that 10%, it remains the largest. It is possible that one of the other shareholders will buy more shares and have more than 10%. If this shareholder is another enterprise, the corporation will remain enterprise controlled private corporation and control will pass to the enterprise that holds these shares. In case that an investment funds is the major shareholder, control will remain with the largest shareholder which in not an investment fund. Investment funds can be large shareholders but they never control corporations. Public corporations can achieve higher quality and efficiency than state and private corporations. Public corporations where the largest share holder has less than 25% of the shares, can achieve even much higher quality and efficiency and can become very profitable.
Enterprise Name No description available yet
Enterprise Productivity Index This is the average of productivity in the enterprise corporations. Productivity depends on the welfare index in the country and mainly on the average salary levels. Productivity can increase above 100% if salaries are high but extremely high salary levels are likely to increase the cost more than can be compensated by higher production levels.
The higher the quality of the products of the corporations, the higher the break even point between salaries and production levels will be.
Enterprise Quality Index This is the average quality level of the corporations in the enterprise. The base level is 100 and it can increase with the quality upgrading of corporations.
Higher quality products will be sold for a higher price and increasing product quality is essential for the success of the corporations.
entKickoutDebt The CEO failed to limit the enterprise's debt to a reasonable level.
entKickoutNoLogin The CEO had been showing a total lack of interest in his enterprise.
entKickoutProduction Due to this CEO's decisions, production dropped to an all time low.
entMarketInvited @entName@ is invited to join the common market '@mktName@'. Please join us!
entNewsCorpClosed The corporation @entNewsCorpName@ in @entNewsEnterprise@ has been closed because @entNewsCorpCloseReason@. @entNewsFired@ employees were fired.
entNewsCorpClosedSummary @entNewsCorpName@ has been closed.
entNewsCorpClosedTitle Corporation Closed
entNewsCorpMovedMessage The corporation @entNewsCorpName@ has been moved from @entNewsCountryFrom@ to @entNewsCountryTo@. The move was a direct order from the CEO of @entNewsEntName@. @entNewsFired@ employees were fired in @entNewsCountryFrom@.
entNewsCorpMovedSummary @entNewsCorpName@ has been moved.
entNewsCorpMovedTitle Corporation Moved
entNewsKickout The CEO of @entNewsEnterprise@ has been evicted. @entNewsReason@
entNewsKickoutSummary Angry board unanimous in decision.
errorReport Error Report
escore Score Calculation for @strip(vEnterpriseName)@
Estimated Market Value in Gold Coins This is an estimate of the value of the corporation in gold coins. The value depends on the estimated market value in SC dollars and takes the exchange rate of SC dollars and gold coins into account.
Estimated Production This Month This is an estimate of the production level of the corporation for this month. It is a number between 0 and 100%. 100% means that the corporation produces at its full capacity. Corporations always try to produce at high levels but they need raw materials that may not be available and they need many workers with differing skills and education levels and these may not be available in the country in the numbers that are needed in all corporations.
Estimated use of Materials This is an estimate of the total of raw materials that are used by your corporations this month. The amount may change with changes in the number of corporations in your country but also when these corporations change the amount of products they produce due to shortages of raw materials or workers.
etutor Game Level 2 in 60 seconds and receive 10 Gold Coins
Executive Education Priority This is the education priority for Executives. A number between 5 and 15 will be sufficient in most cases. If you experience shortages, priorities can be increased for some time. The number of executives will remain quite low and having several hundreds or up to two thousands unemployed executives, removes any chance of shortages. Fast upgrading of many corporations can increase the need for executives quite quickly.
Executives Each corporation has executives who are running the corporation. Executive and high tech executive, are the highest managerial positions in Simcountry.
Expected Number of Births This Year No description available yet
Expected Number of Deaths This Year No description available yet
Expected Profit Real Month This is the amount of money the country is expected to earn in a real life month. The amount is based on the expected profit for the whole game year. One game year is 4 real days so the game year amount is multiplied by 7.5 to get an estimate real month profit.
Expected Profit Real Month in GC This is a further computation of the expected profit for a real month. The amount in game money is divided by the current exchange rate for gold coins in your world and results in a number of gold coins.
Expected Profit this Game Year This is the amount of money the country is expected to earn in this game year. The amount is based on the current profit or loss in the country and it is extrapolated to the whole game year.
explainPortalNv Nominal Value
extendaccount Extend Premium Membership
extendcredit Simcountry
extendreg Simcountry
Factory Units When you decide to build a new corporation, it will result in the build-up of a production plant. A production plant is different for different products but it is always needed for a new factory. If you do not have any production plants, the new corporation will be constructed and a production plant will be purchased on the market. Production plants are delivered by corporations that are specialized in building them. You may even help the process by ordering a production plant in advance. You may also decide to build a corporation that builds production plants.
faq FAQ
fbbestceos Fearless Blue Best CEOs
fbbestpresidents Fearless Blue Best Presidents
fbinfo Fearless Blue
features Documentation - Simcountry Game Features
federation A federation is a group of countries that share military resources and help each other in case of war. It is a major factor in providing security to countries. Help during war is by defensive wings participating in the defense of federation members. Members of federations can lose aircraft while supporting others. There are rules that govern federations and members must agree. Issues are decided by voting. Any player can start a federation and invite friends to join.
Federation Chairman When a federation is created, the federation chairman is the president who created it and invited others to join. With time, federation members may decide to choose another chairman. The chairman is responsible for inviting new members.
Federation Member A federation member if a country that was invited to join a federation and became a member. A federation member may vote and may also become the chairman if there are enough members who vote for him to become chairman.
Federation Members No description available yet
fedSecuredModeCountryMessage After a vote, the members of the @fedSecuredModeCountryMessageFed@ federation did not declare war on @fedSecuredModeCountryMessageCountry@ because @fedSecuredModeCountryMessageCountry@ is in Secured Mode.
fedSecuredModeCountrySummary @fedSecuredModeCountrySummaryCount@ countries did not declare war on @fedSecuredModeCountrySummaryCountry@
fedSecuredModeCountryTitle Federation does not declare war against @fedSecuredModeCountryTitleCountry@

How to Play Simcountry