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Simcountry terminology - dictionary of terms used in Simcountry

The most often used terms in simcountry are explained here. If you can't find what you are looking for, please contact The Gamemaster. This list is maintained daily.

Accept Consumption Contracts on Common Market Choosing this function will result in finding corporations that produce this product in the common market and setting up contracts for delivery of this product.
Accept Consumption Contracts on Local Market Choosing this function will result in finding corporations that produce this product in your own country and setting up contracts for delivery of this product.
Accept Consumption Contracts on Local- and Common Market Choosing this function will result in finding corporations that produce this product in your own country and in the common market and setting up contracts for delivery of this product.
Accept Corporation Materials Contracts on Common Market Choosing this function will result in finding corporations that will deliver raw materials your corporation needs. These corporations will be looked for in corporations located in all members of your common market. There will be no contracts with corporations in your own country or on the international market.
Accept Corporation Materials Contracts on Local Market Choosing this function will result in finding corporations that will deliver raw materials your corporation needs. These corporations will be looked for only in your own country or enterprise. There will be no contracts with corporations in the common market or outside the common market.
Accept Corporation Materials Contracts on Local- and Common Market Choosing this function will result in finding corporations that will deliver raw materials your corporation needs. These corporations will be looked for in your own country or enterprise and in corporations located in all members of your common market. There will be no contracts with corporations on the international market.
Accept Materials Contracts on Common Market Choosing this function will result in finding corporations that will deliver raw materials your corporation needs. These corporations will be looked for in corporations located in all members of your common market. There will be no contracts with corporations in your own country or on the international market. This function will apply to all the corporations.
Accept Materials Contracts on Local Market Choosing this function will result in finding corporations that will deliver raw materials your corporation needs. These corporations will be looked for only in your own country or enterprise. There will be no contracts with corporations in the common market or outside the common market. This function will apply to all the corporations
Accept Materials Contracts on Local- and Common Market Choosing this function will result in finding corporations that will deliver raw materials your corporation needs. These corporations will be looked for in your own country or enterprise and in corporations located in all members of your common market. There will be no contracts with corporations on the international market. This function will apply to all the corporations.
Accept or Cancel Consumption Contracts These columns allow you to decide per product what the contracting strategy of the country will be. A products can be either skipped which means that no contracts will be closed or all contracts for a products can be cancelled or several other alternatives of closing contracts for the product, either on the local market (own corporations) or with common market partners or both.
Accept population in When you bid Gold Coins for a population transfer, you can specify in which country you want these people. In case you have an empire, this is a relevant question as you can have transfers into any of the countries in the empire (if the country has more than 100 millions in population, a transfer will not be possible).
Accepted Common Market Corporation Contracts This shows the volume of contracts for raw materials for your corporations that are closed with other corporations in your common market. If your corporations already accepted some contracts with corporations in your common market, for delivery of raw materials they need in their production process, the total amount of money that is involved in these contracts is shown here and also the percentage of the total of raw materials they need.
Accepted Contracts This is the percentage of the production for which a sale contract has been signed already. Ideally, this number will be 100% and the full production will be sold every month.
Accepted Corporation Contracts This shows the total of contracts for raw materials for your corporations. It includes local market contracts, common market contracts and contracts with other corporations, outside your common and local markets.
Accepted International Market Corporation Contracts This shows the volume of contracts for raw materials for your corporations that are closed with corporations on the international market, outside your country or your common market. If your corporations already accepted some contracts with corporations on the international market, for delivery of raw materials they need in their production process, the total amount of money that is involved in these contracts is shown here and also the percentage of the total of raw materials they need.
Accepted Local Market Corporation Contracts This shows the volume of contracts for raw materials for your corporations that are closed with other corporations in your own country. If your corporations already accepted some contracts with local corporations, for delivery of raw materials they need in their production process, the total amount of money that is involved in these contracts is shown here and also the percentage of the total of raw materials they need.
accountsettings My Account
ad Campaign
Added to Government Cost The materials account was in the past used to represent cost made for materials (consumption products) used by the population. If the material account is negative, it means that the compensation by the population to the cost of these consumption products was insufficient and government is adding more money to reduce the negative total of the materials account. The material account is not used any more and any contributions by the government are only used to recover past cost. When the material account is closed to zero, it will be removed.
Advanced Level Students These are students in the second education level. They are 21 to 24 years old. This group will deliver the highest level of professionals and is important for the Industry, hospitals and high tech development.
Advised Reserve of Workers We recommend that this number of workers, managers and executives should be available. It will allow growth to continue.
If the numbers are smaller, look into your education priorities and make corrections.
Airdrop Landing Forces No description available yet
Airlift Military Units Your Air Transport Units can use airports that are yours, are owned by a country in your empire, are owned by a federation member or are owned by a president that has granted permission to your units.
allbestceos Best Simcountry CEOs
allbestpresidents Best Simcountry Presidents
Ammo Quality Ammunition has a quality that depends on the production process and on the upgrading process that has taken place after the ammunition became a part of the unit. Quality can be upgraded to high levels and the average quality of all the ammunition in the unit is a major factor in the fighting level of the unit and the capability of the ammunition to destroy targets.
Ammunition Quality Ammunition has a quality that depends on the production process and on the upgrading process that has taken place after the ammunition became a part of the unit. Quality can be upgraded to high levels and the average quality of all the ammunition in the unit is a major factor in the fighting level of the unit and the capability of the ammunition to destroy targets.
Amount The amount of the loan.
Amount to package This is the amount of money you would like to package in this asset package to be taken out of Simcountry and traded or given elsewhere.
Any Quality This is used to set the requested quality level. Choosing this option, the quality of the products will depend on what is available on the market at the time of trading.
appletborder Applet Window borders
applethyperlink Applet Link text colour
appleticonbackground Applet Icon background
appleticonforeground Applet Icon text colour
appletlistborder Applet List borders
appletlistdataforeground Applet List text colour
appletlistheaderbackground Applet List Header background
appletlistheaderforeground Applet List Header text colour
applettextforeground Applet Window text colour
applettitlebackground Applet Title background
applettitleforeground Applet Title text colour
appletwindowbackground Applet Window background
armyDismantledLowAmmoBody @unitName@ has been dismantled because @cntrName@ has not enough @ammoName@ for maintenance and training of the army.
armyDismantledLowAmmoSummary Shortage on @ammoName@.
armyDismantledLowAmmoTitle Dismantled @unitName@
armyLowAirDroppedUnitBody Make sure you have enough air supply units and also make sure these units are at max size. Never supply any army or air force units by air if they are stationed in your country or can be supplied by land.

When you are forced to use air supply units, be aware that most of the supplies including ammunition that are dropped from the air are lost. It is a very expensive way to deliver supplies.
armyLowAirDroppedUnitSummary Units that are supplied by air show some shortages.
armyLowAirDroppedUnitTitle Units in @cntrName@ that are supplied by air show some shortages.
armyLowFuelBody There are army and garrison units that are short of @fuelName@ for more than 12 months.

Please make sure the country has enough @fuelName@ in stock to supply your forces.
armyLowFuelSummary No @fuelName@ for the Units.
armyLowFuelTitle Army units in @cntrName@ are not supplied
armyLowGovSalaBody Weapons are moved to the reserves because government salaries are too low compared to the industry.
armyLowGovSalaSummary Weapons moved to the reserves.
armyLowGovSalaTitle Government salaries in @cntrName@ are too low.
armyLowLowBaseCountBody Weapons are moved to the reserves because there are not enough bases and airports to store weapons and ammunition.
armyLowLowBaseCountSummary Weapons moved to the reserves.
armyLowLowBaseCountTitle Number of military bases and airports in @cntrName@ are too low.
armyLowNavyUnitBody Make sure you have enough supply ships and also make sure the Supply Fleets are at max size.
armyLowNavyUnitSummary Navy Fleets that are supplied by supply ships show some shortages.
armyLowNavyUnitTitle Navy Fleets in @cntrName@ that are supplied by supply ships show some shortages.
armyLowProfessionalsBody There are mobile units that were not supplied with weapons for more than 12 months.

Please buy Professional Soldiers and Officers or transfer them from other Countries.
armyLowProfessionalsSummary No Professional Soldiers or Officers for Mobile Units.
armyLowProfessionalsTitle Some army units in @cntrName@ are not supplied
armyLowShipsUnitsBody There are navy fleets that were not supplied for more than 12 months.

Please order more supply ships to deliver supplies to your navy.
armyLowShipsUnitsSummary No Supply Ships for the Navy.
armyLowShipsUnitsTitle Navy fleets of @cntrName@ are not supplied
armyLowSuppliesBody There are army and garrison units that are short of Military Supplies for more than 12 months.

Please make sure the country has enough Military Supplies in stock to deliver to your forces.
armyLowSuppliesSummary No Military Supplies for the Units.
armyLowSuppliesTitle Army units in @cntrName@ are not supplied.
armyLowSupplyUnitsBody There are army and garrison units that were not resupplied for more than 12 months.

Please setup @supplyName@ units to supply your forces.
armyLowSupplyUnitsSummary No @supplyName@ Units.
armyLowSupplyUnitsTitle Army units in @cntrName@ are not replenished.
armyLowTrucksUnitsBody There are army and garrison units that were not supplied for more than 12 months.

Please order more trucks to supply to your forces.
armyLowTrucksUnitsSummary No trucks for the Units.
armyLowTrucksUnitsTitle Army units in @cntrName@ are not supplied
armyLowWeaponsBody The unit is short of weapons and ammunition for more than 3 months.

Please make sure the country has enough weapons and ammunition in stock to resupply your forces.
armyLowWeaponsSummary Not enough weapons and ammunition for the Unit.
armyLowWeaponsTitle Army unit @unitName@ in @cntrName@ is not replenished.
armyNoMaintenanceBody @armyNoMaintenanceCountry@ does not have enough staff for its army. Insufficient maintenance caused about @armyNoMaintenancePercentage@ percent of the weapons, military units and garrisons to be moved into the reserves this month.
armyNoMaintenanceSummary @armyNoMaintenanceResourcePlural@ moved into the reserves.
armyNoMaintenanceTitle @armyNoMaintenanceCountry@ unable to maintain its army.
Asset Package An Asset package can consist of Gold Coins or Game Money and will in the future also include other assets like countries, enterprises and corporations. An asset package is created to allow for trading Simcountry assets outside the game.
Assets The assets of a country include the cash the country has, the value of all state owned corporations and the value of the shares the country owns in its public corporations. Debts are subtracted from the total and given loans are added.
Assets Index The assets index is a measure for the value of assets in the country. The index can be very high in very rich countries. The index depends on the value in cash plus the value of all the loans given to others, less the sum of the loans taken by the country. The index is increased by the value of all the corporations owned by the country.
auctEndedSold In the auction, @auctEndedCorpName@ in @auctEndedCountry@ was acquired by @auctEndedBuyerName@ for @auctEndedPrice@ Billion $E.
auctEndedUndecided The auction of @auctEndedCorpName@ in @auctEndedCountry@ ended undecided because no acceptable bid exceeded the current market value of @auctEndedCorpValue@ Million $E.
Automatic Cash Transfers Automatic cash transfers take place when corporations have too much or too little cash. Excess cash is then transferred to the owner. The owner of a state or national corporation is the state and the cash is paid to the state and shows here. If the corporation is short of cash, automatic cash transfers could be activated, moving cash from the owner to the corporation.
Automatic Defense A player might not to log in for some time. If the country is attacked the automatic defense will be triggered and protect the country as good as possible with the available weapons. The player will receive a message and can set up war notifications.
Automatic Hiring Level Hiring levels in corporations can be set automatically. Using this function, you can set the automatic hiring for all corporations at once. The hiring level depends on the success of the corporations in selling their products and the settings of the production level for the following months. The hiring level will increase if the corporations are successful and try to increase production. The hiring level is limited to less than 10% change per game month. It will always be a number (percentage) between 0 and 100%.
Automatic Increase Salaries to Target Level This function makes it possible to set a target for salary levels. Salaries can be changed by 3% per game month. If you want to change them by 30%, you can set the target and the changes will gradually take effect at 3% per game month until the target is reached. You do not need to manually change salaries each month to reach the required level. This function is used to set target salaries for all corporations at once. There are other functions available, also on this page, that make it possible to set individual salary targets per corporation.
Automatic Order Efficiency Upgrades Use of this function will result in automatic efficiency upgrading of all your corporations. The upgrading process will remain in force and will keep ordering upgrades for all your corporations. If sufficient numbers of upgrades are available on the market, the process will only depend on delivery time and will probably result in two upgrades per two game months. Your corporations will improve quickly and will reduce the number of workers they use but they will increase the numbers of high level workers, managers, high tech people and executives. When using this feature, you should be aware of the consequences in terms of numbers of workers and professionals that are needed and your education system should be capable of delivering these professionals. The cost of upgrades is also high. If 2 upgrades are delivered to each of your corporations once in two game months, the cost can run in many billions and your corporations should be able to pay the cost or pay the interest on loans if these are needed to pay for the upgrades. When the maximum upgrading level is reached, the process will stop and new upgrades will only be orders to restore the highest level each time an upgrade expires.
Automatic Order Quality Upgrades Use of this function will result in automatic quality upgrading of all your corporations. The upgrading process will remain in force and will keep ordering upgrades for all your corporations. If sufficient numbers of upgrades are available on the market, the process will only depend on delivery time and will probably result in two upgrades per two game months. The quality of your products will improve quickly. To benefit from the higher quality, the trade strategy must be updated and a higher price can be obtained for the higher quality products. The trade strategy can be set for the offer price to follow the quality level automatically. The cost of upgrades is high. If 2 upgrades are delivered to each of your corporations once in two game months, the cost can run in many billions and your corporations should be able to pay the cost or pay the interest on loans if these are needed to pay for the upgrades. When the maximum upgrading level is reached, the process will stop and new upgrades will only be orders to restore the highest level each time an upgrade expires.
Automatic Production Level Checking this box, allows the system to decide on the production level in all the corporations in the next month. The level depends on the sale of products in the past month and on the success of the corporations in selling all their products. Production levels cannot change very fast, they also depend on the availability of workers and raw materials that are needed in the production process.
Automatically update All Salaries  If this option is chosen, salaries in corporations will be updated automatically, depending on how the corporation is doing.
If the corporations is making losses, salaries will decline. If it is profitable or if workers are very hard to get, salaries will increase.
automation Automation and Support Functions
Available countries These are your countries for which you can purchase war protection boosters. The max number is limited, mainly on the Fearless Blue world.
Available Hospitals This is the number of hospitals that are currently available in your country.
Available Salary Boosts This is the number of salary boosters that are available now. Salary boosters can be used to change salaries by 20% in a game month instead of 5% which is the standard change limit per game month.
Available Schools This is the number of schools that are currently available in your country.
Available Super Boosters to boost a Corporation to the maximum level possible. This is a special booster that will boost a single corporation to the maximum available upgrading level.
State corporations, private corporations and public corporations with a level of ownership of up to 25% have different top levels upgrading.
The booster will increase the level to the max possible, depending on the type of the corporation.
Available Transportation These numbers represent the available roads, rail tracks and also water purification installations in your country.
Available Upgrades to Boost your Corporation This is the number of upgrades that are available now and can be used to boost your corporation.
Each upgrade will boost the corporation up one point. It can be used for efficiency upgrading or for quality upgrading.
Higher quality and efficiency will improve the corporation's sale price for its products and reduce the cost of labor.
Average Age This is the average age of people in the country. It depends mainly on the health system. Life expectancy and average age will decline if the health system is failing.
Average Hiring This is the average percentage of hiring in the corporations. If all corporations hire at 100% capacity, the average will be 100. A high average shows that the corporations in the enterprise are doing well.
Average House Value This is the average value of a home in the country. Homes are being built all the time and the value of existing homes is increasing in time. This of course if the economy is growing and people have the money to buy new homes. If the economy is in bad shape, value of homes may decline. The home building business is under developed in the game and more features will be added in the future. The cost of housing which is paid by each family is collected each month and invested in construction. It means that we assume that the cost paid for mortgage in the country is about the same as the investment in new construction and maintenance of the existing homes.
Average Price Earning Ratio This is the average of the price earning ration for all the corporations owned by the enterprise. A low price earning ratio shows that corporations are making a good profit. If the average for the enterprise is low, it means that the enterprise is thriving. Watch the graph for average price earning ration and try to get it lower by working on the quality and sales of your enterprises.
Average Price Paid per Share The shares were purchased in one or more transactions. This is the average price payed for the shares.
Average Production Index This is the average production level in all the corporations in the enterprise. It depends on the availability of materials and workers in the corporations and also on the productivity levels.
Average Productivity Index This is a measure for the productivity of a corporation. All corporation start with a productivity index of 100. If you upgrade the efficiency of the corporation, it will become more effective. Efficiency meant that it will make the same product quantity and quality but will use a smaller number of people. It will use more high tech services and more high tech executives. The workforce will however be reduced.
Average Quality Index This is the average quality of the products made by the corporations in the enterprise. The higher the quality, the easier it will be to sell the products on the market and receive a good price.
Average Quality of Products in Stock This is the average quality of products in stock in your country. The average quality is re-calculated every game-month.
Average Salary This is the average salary paid to workers in the enterprise. If corporations are doing well and make profits, salaries increase and workers are happy. Salaries should not be too high but a nice increase in time is a good sign.
Average Salary per Worker per Month This is the average salary of workers across all the corporations in the enterprise. It is a good measure of the level of salaries. If the enterprise is making a profit, salaries will increase.
Average Share Price This is the average price of all shares in all the corporations owned by the enterprise. Share prices go up if the corporations are successful and the average is a good measure of how the enterprise is doing. Good profits will lead to higher share prices.
Average Utilization This is the average use of production facilities in the enterprise in the last month. If all the corporations in the enterprise work at full capacity, the utilization level is 100%. When the utilization level is at 80%, it means that many corporations work under their full capacity and production may increase if they succeed in selling their products or hire all the workers they need.
Average Welfare This is the average level of welfare in the corporations of the enterprise. The welfare depends on the salary levels but also on many other factors in the country where the corporations reside.
Different corporations reside in different countries and the welfare of their workers depends on the conditions in these countries.
Average Yearly Price Increase This is the percentage of increase in the value of houses in the country. It means that the value of houses increases each year with this percentage.
Award This is the amount of money that is calculated as an award to the winners. The first prize is higher than all others, followed by several second level awards and more lower level awards. The amount of the awards and the number of awards to be paid, may depend on the number of players but was recently fixed on most worlds. The more people who play, the larger the number of awards. Awards will be paid once a month or otherwise as published on the site.
Banking Receive Game Money This is the amount of money that will be sent from the country you have chosen to the account. The only limitation is that the amount you want to send, is available in the country
Banking Send Game Money This is the amount of money that will be sent from the account to the country you have chosen. The only limitation is that the amount you want to send, is available on your account
Base Price This is the price of the product that is based on the design of the corporation and what is expected if quality is 100 and the market price is at the start value. The base price does not mean much because it is overridden by the market price and the quality you purchase. It does give an idea about the relation between the base price and the market price. If the base price is higher, this could mean that there is a surplus while if market price is higher, there is probably a shortage of the product.
beginners Beginners
Beginners Income Booster An income boost that each new player gets for the first couple of months, to make sure your country is in a good financial situation to start fast development.
Best Price Placing orders at Best price means that the product will be purchased a the current market price. It is frequently called Market. You do not need to specify a limit and the chance that the products will be purchased is high. It depends mainly on the availability of products on the market.
Best Share Ask Price This is the best price currently asked for the shares
Best Share Bid Price This is the best price for the shares on offer
bestceos Best CEOs
bestpresidents Best Presidents
bestwarlords Best Warlords
Bid Price This is the price you bid for this transfer of 1.000.000 people into one of your countries. The price is in Gold Coins.
If your bid is the highest, the chances are that it will be accepted but competitive bids can came in later, at a higher level and your bid will not be accepted unless you raise it.
bidValueRaised You offered @bidValueRaisedBid@M for @bidValueRaisedCorp@ in @bidValueRaisedCountry@ when its value was @bidValueRaisedPrev@M. Now the value is @bidValueRaisedCurr@M and your bid will not be accepted. The auction is not over yet so you can still bid more!
blaffiliate Affiliate Marketing
Block CEOs Using this option, you can block any CEOs from building in your country. We advise against it because private and public corporations are great contributors to the country and pay more in taxes and revenue contributions than state corporations.
blogchangeurl My Blog
blogcreateCancelFunction createBlogLater()
blogcreateCancelText Maybe Later
blogcreateConfirmFunction createBlogNow()
blogcreateConfirmText Create Blog
blogcreatedConfirmFunction createdBlog()
blogcreatedConfirmText Continue
blogcreatedHead Simcountry Player Blog
blogcreatedLine1 Your Blog has been created!
blogcreatedLine3 The blog is available to you independent of Simcountry and can be used for anything.
blogcreatedLine5 The blog admin password is initially the same as your Simcountry password.
blogcreateHead Simcountry Player Blog
blogcreateLine1 As a Simcountry player, you get your own BLOG.
blogcreateLine2 The blog is available to you independent of Simcountry and can be used for anything.
blogcreateLine3 You can publish your own texts and distribute passwords to your members to allow them place their comments.
blogcreateLine4 You can try to attract many people and even place ads on your own blog.
blogcreateLine5 The blog admin password is initially the same as your Simcountry password.
blogedit My Blog
blogprotectCancelFunction createBlogCancel()
blogprotectCancelText Cancel
blogprotectConfirmFunction createBlogProtect()
blogprotectConfirmText Protect Account
blogprotectHead Simcountry Player Blog
blogprotectLine1 As a Simcountry player, you get your own BLOG.
blogprotectLine2 The blog is available to you independent of Simcountry and can be used for anything.
blogprotectLine4 Your account is currently not protected with a password.
blogprotectLine5 Please protect your account with a password first.
blogview My Blog
blogviewurl My Blog
blpromo Marketing Simcountry
blpromoP2_add Marketing Simcountry
blpromoP2_del Marketing Simcountry
blpromoP2_log Marketing Simcountry
blpromoP2_upd Marketing Simcountry
blvlist Voting
blvnew Voting
blvrec Voting
bnkgetgco Direct Trading - Purchase Gold Coins
bnkgetgm Direct Trading - Receive Game Money
bnkgetgme Direct Trading - Receive Game Money
bnkgetgmo Direct Trading - Purchase Game Money
bnkitrade Direct Trading - Buy or Sell - Game Money and Gold Coins
bnkloggm Direct Trading - Game Money Transfer Log
bnkmain Direct Trading
bnknewgco Direct Trading - Request Game Money
bnknewgmo Direct Trading - Request Gold Coins
bnkputgm Direct Trading - Send Game Money
bnkputgme Direct Trading - Send Game Money
Bonuses and Awards When you win an award of 30 gold coins or more and you decide to accept it, your country will not be able to receive any additional award for the following 3 months.
boost1 Boosters
boost1_N Boosters
boost2 Boosters
boost2_N Boosters
boost3 Boosters
boost3_N Boosters
boost4 Boosters
boost4_N Boosters
boost5 Boosters
boost5_N Boosters
boost6 Boosters
boost6_N Boosters
boost7 Boosters
boost7_N Boosters
boost88 Boosters

How to Play Simcountry