Winning a war - The war index

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Winning a war - The war index

The war index is a number between 0 and 100. It may be lower than 100 if your economy is weak which means that you are an easier target. The index will be reduced when you are hit and the reduction depends on what is destroyed, death numbers, destroyed factories, damaged military bases etc.

If your country is invaded and partially occupied, the war index will decline with each area that was occupied.

The war index of both parties in war is recomputed after each attack and you can see how badly your country is damaged and compare with the damage you inflicted on your enemy. The index will be reduced with every military target being destroyed. Each military base and each fortification is counted and destruction reduces the war index. Each area unit that is conquered counts for 0.1 points of the index with a maximum of 5 index points. That number will increase gradually.

The war index is also influenced by the number of casualties; as a percentage of the total population. The more casualties of course, the lower the index.

The war damage in Billions is also a factor in the war index. If factories are destroyed, military bases and cities wiped out, the material damage will increase and drag the war index down.

If the index hits zero, the country has lost the war. It is not easy to get so far but possible if targets are all destroyed and many cities bombed with many casualties. Once the war index is at the zero level, there is no turning back and war is over.

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