Was DS's war against TSPX grossly unfair?

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Was DS's war against TSPX grossly unfair?

Detailed Description:

Doublestar was grossly unfair in his war against the TSPX federation, as follows:

1. By his own admission on the forum, Doublestar agreed with TSPX not to attack them, then immediately started preparing to attack them. Doublestar's gross dishonesty cost TSPX members dozens of their countries that they spent real months building.

2. By his own admission on the forum, Doublestar used the forum to create a fraud, publicly pretending to be hostile toward his secret ally Ed Lunn so that Lunn could become a member of TSPX and a spy for Doublestar. Doublestar's gross fraud is an abuse of the forum, and hurts the rapport necessary for this game. ----

It should shock our conscience that Doublestar deprived others of their countries by systematically engaging in betrayals and lies. ----

Vote Yes, if you believe Doublestar's conduct in that war was grossly unfair. Vote No, if you condone Doublestar's conduct.

30 gamers voted for the proposal.
27 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

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