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Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Variable Income Tax Status: Will be added.

Detailed Description:

Currently tax is leveled on citizens income at a flat rate (we assume) - in my country it works out to about 20-22%. It would be good to be able to change the rate of income tax & even to be able to have a couple of different bands of tax - it would make the game more interesting, realisitc & help with funding health, education & social security without damaging corporations.

Vote yes to be able to set the income tax rate in your country (up or down!)

31 gamers voted for the proposal.
14 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

The game currently works with an income tax table. Tax levels depend on the income. Technically it is very easy to put these numbers on a page and allow players to change them. What is harder and was not solved yet is the consequences of such changes.

If you can just double the percentage, income for the country will double but what else should happen? There should be many consequences in the model that will make the decision non trivial.

We will add this feature as soon as time allows and try to make it so it becomes part of the overall strategy and objectives of the president.

Simcountry Introduction