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Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Trend Graphics Status: Will be considered. Delayed.

Detailed Description:

In many instances there is little need to see the exact details of a history graph, provided that you know the general trend.

This is most straightforwardly illustrated by the employment page. For each worker category the number employed, unemployed, total profession, and graduated each month is shown, all with history graphs available, as well as the education priorities and a demographic breakdown. These numbers are all very nice, but they don't tell you whether the workforce and the number unemployed in a category are rising, falling, or holding stable.

In order to intelligently tune the education priorities so as to minimize the unemployed many graphs are needed to be loaded just to establish which direction the worforce is moving. Much of this effort (and page loads) could be saved if the history8.gif icon was replaced by 3 icons, reflecting a rising graph, a falling graph, or a steady graph.

 [The decision on which gif icon to show (for the employment category) could be based on comparing the current months figure to that from 6 months previously, if the change is less than 1% (2% annually) its depicted as being stable.]

Poll Question: Would you find trend graphics useful?

59 gamers voted for the proposal.
18 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

The idea is good and it will improve the info and reduce the number of page loads. It represents however a major performance problem. Every page showing, will involved many database accesses into the history table just to decide which icon should be on the page. The history table which is 3 Gb, cannot be loaded into main memory and must be accessed on the disk. We cannot implement it with the current systems.

Simcountry Introduction