Subject Accepted, continued till Updated

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Subject Accepted, continued till Updated Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

When a Subject(Upgrade) gets enough votes, it would be nice to see when SimCountry is Updated with Said "Subject" within the same web page that the Subjects being voted on. That is so we all can see when all Subjects that have been installed into SimCountry.
Note to SimCountry Programmer: It would be nice to know what World each Upgrade is implemented in or if it is in all worlds or not.
Vote upon this Subject to see more of and when all Upgrades have been installed into SimCountry.

56 gamers voted for the proposal.
14 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

It would be nice to have but impossible to implement. It will add a lot of work while the number of voted suggestions is much larger that the number that can be implemented.

All updates are implemented on all worlds with sometimes, different parameters and in such cases they are published.

We report all changes in the game news.

Simcountry Introduction