Stop the population purge when a president leaves

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Stop the population purge when a president leaves Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

If Sim Country is supposed to be a realistic simulation, where do all the people disappear to when a country is abandoned? The populations can plummet overnight by tens of millions of people. This leaves all the corporations owners completely screwed when millions of people are exterminated or abducted by aliens (or whatever). What I propose is that when a country is abandoned it just continues on. The population, military, etc aren't purged. These countries would be diamonds in the rough waiting for a player to take them over through military force. I think this would be much more realistic than the current system. Vote YES if you want to stop the automatic purging of country resources after they are abandoned.

19 gamers voted for the proposal.
10 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

This could give a very large advantage to some and none to others. We already made the reductions smaller and it is mainly the state corporations that are closed in a case of a reset.

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