stop stealing populations from players

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stop stealing populations from players Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

sc needs to stop stealing player's population from his country via migration (exiting the country). player pays for population in GC or grow the population naturally thru time and balancing of resources/indices. w3c needs to stop stealing population from the players.

5 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

There is no need to purchase population. Population growth is quite substantial if the right conditions exist in the country.
Migration works both ways. Migrants come in or people leave. When people leave there is a reason. If the economy is doing very badly, some may decide to leave. It is very easy to stop it and also have many migrants enter your country.

Take care of the basic economic functions of the country, make sure you have good education, health and a lot of work, and people will come into your country in large numbers every game month.

Simcountry Introduction