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Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Shares and Investment Funds Status: Great proposals.

Detailed Description:

I propose two things:

1.) We should have the option of authorizing the AI to only buy or only sell shares for our Investment Funds, and also to set P/E thresholds. The current system is horrible, and I can't invest in IF portfolios unless I do it all manually.

2.) We should have a 'max' link/button when buying, selling, or issuing new shares. Having to figure out or guess what the max is and input it manually is a major pain, especially if the max is a few shares under a round number.

52 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

This is very true and will be added ASAP. It will improve the share trading game. It will be done when the war engine is in place.

Simcountry Introduction