Security Council: Random Selection or Election?

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Security Council: Random Selection or Election? Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

The nature of this poll is to decide whether Security Council members should be randomly selected and obey a criteria, or if they should be elected by the players of that world.
A thread comparing both may be found here. I would appreciate if you were to read the last posts before voting and to add your own opinion after voting.
You won't be voting if you agree with the criteria that is given to each one, but rather with the method that will be used to decide our Security Council members. With that in mind, please vote Yes, if you want to see the Security Council with members elected by the players; or please vote No, if you want to see the game randomly select a player to join the Council.

42 gamers voted for the proposal.
17 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

The danger of course is that a group of very active players will dominate the security council for ever and quality may decline and teh SC will become meaningless.

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