Retract the new rules of blocking a player's access

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Retract the new rules of blocking a player's access Status: The functions works correctly to prevent bankruptcy.

Detailed Description:

The recent rules of blocking a player's access to his country and ceo when such entity has a reach negative 1T cash available is unfair, please retract (get rid) of these rules. Premium players pay $4 USD per earth month to play this game. If you have only one entity and you are blocked then you cannot do anything about it. I have the largest empire in this game, with nearly 500 countries on FB and the implementation of these rules allow W3C to take away my neglected and bankrupted countries, reducing my empire to less than 30 countries now. Now I have the most asset rich CEO in this game, with nearly a quandrillion SC$, yet every time its cash available falls below negative 1T I am being block to access it. I am building this entity to be bigger, but these rules are nothing more than to cheat me thru blocking my access to make the entity better. Every entity (ceo and country) were allowed to have negative 14T of debts, and this new rules of negative 1T cash available is just cheat players. Please vote "YES" to retract these rules, and make this game better.

6 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

The text of this proposal included misinformation that was removed.

You can ALWAYS continue playing.
We are talking here about failed countries, close to bankruptcy that are neglected by the owner and became worthless. We should in fact just let them bankrupt and remove from the empire.
When there is so much money in the enterprise, it can be moved easily to save these countries. It is the choice of the player to let these countries go down.

These are no new rules. This is part of Simcountry in the past years, to prevent outright bankruptcy and give players the opportunity to fix bankrupt countries.

There is always a way out. You can move money from the account to the country and unblock it.
There is something to say about premium players who have only one country, we might do something in that case but this does not happen a lot at all. A one country player can easily be very profitable.

Players with many country are not blocked. Some of their countries may be blocked but then these countries are worthless anyway. You cannot manage many many countries and be profitable, it requires a lot of work and at the end, in all cases in the past, huge empires failed. We see countries with zero corporations as the player does not have time to take care of them. Neglected countries that make huge losses etc.

The only way to keep such an empire, is by moving funds from outside these countries into these countries and pay the debt. This is of course always possible. So in such cases, if you want to keep all these failing countries, you need to transfer the funds and save them.

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