Respons on bug reports

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Respons on bug reports Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

I would like W3C to also respond to bug votes.

I have made a poll about a bug in the share trading system. The bug is that you cannot buy the last ONE (!) share of a public corp. However the poll was accepted with overwhelming votes, W3C did not respond in any way. Not with a remark that the bug would be fixed or that it was in place with a reason. No respons AT ALL. (Honesty makes me mention that they did respond to the helicopter bug.) I propose that W3C responds to ANY and ALL bug reports that are made.

38 gamers voted for the proposal.
6 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

Except for a possible error, we ALWAYS respond to all bug reports either by a return message or by fixing it immediately. In general, the engineer who receives the mail and asked to solve the problem, mails the player who reported it. Hundreds of such mails were answered. We find it hard to understand how such a vote was supported.

In the mean time, the bug in the buying back procedure was solved. The count of the shares was incorrect in some cases, due to rounding errors. The rounding errors where caused by repeated splits and reverse splits of shares. This caused a wrong conclusion, that not all the shares were owned by a single shareholder, and the corporation remained public.

After the bug was fixed, we have observed that many "public" corporations became private again.

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