online games, multiplayer games
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Private Corporations Status: Rejected, please read our response

Detailed Description:

I believe that the private corporations are in disadvantage against state corporations. Private Corporations are under the mood of the president, the tax, and the country used resources tax. And after all, can only put the maximum quality at 225.

For what I know, state corporations are corrupt, inefficient and not profitable, that in real life.

So, I propose that the private corporation up his upgrades to 250. That will give a better advantage, but still unfair and not like real economy, but fit in game mechanics.

Vote yes if you like this proposal.

30 gamers voted for the proposal.
31 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been REJECTED.

W3Creative reaction:

Private corporations are essential for countries. It is impossible to make a large empire highly profitable if most corporations are not private or public. This trend will be continued with the enhancement of the corporations game and private corporations will become even more important for all presidents.

Simcountry Introduction