online games, multiplayer games
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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What is Simcountry?
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What is Simcountry?

Population Contributions for Education and Health. Status: Will be added - longer term.

Detailed Description:

Should a President be able to lower or raise the contribution level?

If a country is financially well-off, the President would have obvious reasons to let his citizens pay a lower percentage of the cost. (Even picking up 100% of the cost.) That should also affect the Welfare Index. You can argue the inverse for a country struggling in debt.

59 gamers voted for the proposal.
22 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3creative reaction:

We agree and will implement it as part of the revision of the spending - tax and budget part of the game. The spending, including tax percentages, contribution to education, health, investment funds and for all the products the population consumes is now fixed and only depends on the income level. We want to allow the player influence the spending profile. It is on our development plan and will take some time to implement.

Simcountry Introduction