Overdraft protection for supplies

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Overdraft protection for supplies Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

Just an idea, take the idea of a banking account. When you are getting low on cash, and dip below the positive mark, the bank in return, make an automatic deposit into our checking account so checks or other items do not bounce, in other words; Overdraft protection . I was wonder that be nice for enterprise corporations not public own, if you have the supplies in stock it would be automatic deposit "for a fee" into your corporations one month at a time, so they can continue to produce. After all, it is your company. So if you want this addition to join the game vote yes, and if not you know the answer

27 gamers voted for the proposal.
17 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

Such a system will make the whole production obsolete. Why would you buy products if they are delivered anyway? The supply and demand system with the market for products and the management of the supplies is an essential part of Simcountry.

We do agree that there should be ways to make sure that corporations can continue production and become less dependent on fluctuations on the market and the labor market. We plan addition features that will make it possible to reduce (not eliminate) production capacity fluctuations.

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