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Detailed Description:
ok i think it would be a great idea if there was nimrod planes what do u guys think ? nimrod planes that could track nuclear submarines in ur waters to avoid a nuclear blast yes or no ?? I also thought that it would be a great idea if there was co2 global warming etc like the more cars you have the higher the levels of gases and the warmer the countrys get the higher the seas go and the more co2 each country gets taxed like co2 tax yes or no ??
4 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
Not many votes here. These are two proposals. The radar planes we have could be extended to report on the position of nuclear subs and other navy assets, maybe also on other army movements.
The CO2 emissions is a good idea and we have already done a lot of work to make it possible. We would like to add this feature and also other forms of energy to allow countries control their CO2 emissions.