online games, multiplayer games
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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What is Simcountry?
Beginners Info
What is Simcountry?

newbie countries cant declare war Status: been there, done that

Detailed Description:

newbie countries should be able to have the choice to get their buts kicked by bigger countries by having the ability to declare war on countries with presidents.
*note i never said that secured protection for newbs is a bad idea i just said they should be able to start wars if they choose.

39 gamers voted for the proposal.
27 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

This is not a good idea. We had that before and wars by new players, some of them experienced multiplayers, bugged many experienced players while these new countries just reappeared after a defeat, to start a new war with no risk at all. New players can easily conquer a C3 country and experience war.
Suicide countries, as they were called, were a major problem in Simcountry for a long time. We have just recently got rid of them and will not reintroduce the same problem into the game.
New players can attack experienced players when they become full members and take the risk of losing their own, developed country.

Simcountry Introduction