New Corps to Supply Air Base Maintenance Units

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New Corps to Supply Air Base Maintenance Units Status: Rejected

Detailed Description:

I suggest that in order to supply the Air Base Maintenance units that you create 2 new corporations - strategic bomber parts and stealth bomber parts that can be built on all worlds. These would create a much needed industry on all worlds to feed the maintenance units and still limit the worlds the actual aircraft can be built and traded on. The stealth and strategic parts corps can provide a steady supply chain and at a more reasonable cost. It makes no sense to destroy expensive aircraft to maintain other aircraft and if you are not on a world where stealth and strategic aircraft can be built you are at a decided disadvantage. Vote YES to build Strategic Bomber Parts corps and Stealth Bomber Parts corps to supply air base maintenance units on all worlds. Vote NO to leave it as it is.

5 gamers voted for the proposal.
5 gamers voted against the proposal.

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