making a soldier profession

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making a soldier profession Status: we have them from day 1.

Detailed Description:

most countries don't use conscription to create military units anymore. so i am proposing creating a a new profession for soldiers and officers. instead of having the current system of buying them with gold coins. doing this should add more realism to the game and make the consequences of war more real.

14 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

Soldiers and officers are recruited from the ranks of workers and mid level managers. This is how most armies in the game are built. When you purchase weapons, the army recruits the people it needs.

Reading some documentation will help as this issue is described and discusses in details in many parts of the documentation and is quite important in Simcountry, with implications for the economy and finance.

Simcountry Introduction