Make options by corporations types

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Make options by corporations types Status: will be added

Detailed Description:

I just saw today the new little feature in the shares section, and while i appreciate it, the need for having general options by corporation type would be more efficient. Keeping the same idea the GM had in mind, you could click on what product you want to modify(modify trade strategies, supply quality, buy/sell shares etc), and make it a general change. For example, you could click on Factory Maintenance Unit and Computers product and make them both change all corps with those products to having salaries to 1000. It would make things so much easier, for anybody who has over 100-200 corps to modify. Imagine for 500-1000+. I think it is relavitely easy to add considering it has just been modified and it eases the process a lot more. Vote yes if you want to have that addition.

21 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

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