Gross National Product

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Gross National Product Status: Will be added ASAP

Detailed Description:

Gross National Product (GNP) is a total value of all products and services that were produced in a certain country. In real world it is a one of the main characteristics of the country. It describes its financial situation and can give a truly picture of how good people live. Taking GNP per citizen value allows you to judge about country development without any regard to its population size.

Voting for that proposal will mean that you like idea to:

1). Add word 'GNP' to Business and Trade Index-> Production Value of Corporations by Product Group->Total for all Corporations (since these are equal statements).

2). Add 'GNP per citizen' index to list of indexes (so we'll see, that in country X, every citizen has Y thousands dollars of GNP).

P.S.: In further times it would be nice to think about idea of replacing Financial Index by GNP or just making GNP more significant than FI concerning country score calculation. In reality, nobody cares about this profit/expenses ratio, GNP per citizen - is a measure of country development.

41 gamers voted for the proposal.
2 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

We agree that GNP and per capita GNP should be shown and get prominence in Simcountry. The figures should have consequences in the index and influence other parameters in the game where the development level of the country is an issue. We will try to add ASAP.

Simcountry Introduction