online games, multiplayer games
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Game Levels Adjustment Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

In 1/2/07 game news it was announced that starting war when you have over 15 countries in your empire is no longer possible. It also states, "We are advising now to reduce even further and 15 countries will be a much better size for a large empire."

The problem is that with game levels (game news 10/11/06), you need at least 15 countries for level 9 and at least 19 countries for level 10. These two pieces of game news contradict each other. The number of countries in an empire needed to reach level 10 should be around 12-14, based on the consistant game news message that large empires are bad and will become impossible to manage. Vote Yes if you agree.

56 gamers voted for the proposal.
3 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

Game levels 8 to 10 are not implemented yet. We will update the conditions to reflect the smaller empires. Having 15 countries will be sufficient for the top level.

Simcountry Introduction