Fire/Police Index's Added To Health Care/Military

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Fire/Police Index's Added To Health Care/Military Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

There are no police, or fire department indexes. I feel that a police or fire department index could be integrated in the games already existing indexes. For example, house fire deaths could affect health care, build fire stations which would have to buy firefighting equipment (Trucks, Hoses etc. Which would in turn increase your health care index, lower your death rates, and protect your countries housing against fires. Now for the police department, I feel that having a good police force could 1. increase healthcare, and/or defense ranking for several reasons. Decrease murder rates which would somewhat effect healthcare. Protect corporations from theft (Have a street crime system eventually), enforce order in your country, maybe even setting your own laws in a way in the future?? Basically you would build police departments which would slightly affect either your health care index, or country defense index (maybe make a separate crime index entirely that effects other index's indirectly?? That would be nice. Then the stations would order police cruisers, police equipment, services, guns etc... Idk how this feature would work really I?m pretty sure the great staff here can improvise, and create their own version. It would be nice to have on simcountry in my opinion.

17 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

This was voted for several times and it is on our wish list, waiting for resources.

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