Employment Index

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Employment Index Status: Will be added.

Detailed Description:

The Employment index is missing important information. I see "Total Employed" "Total Unemployed" "Total Profession" and "Needed for new Facilities". I propose that W3C add one more piece of information. "Total Needed For Full Production". This will tell us the Total amount of a certain type of worker that is needed for full production of all your corporations. Of you course you can find this out on your own, but I think it would be more helpful and more efficient if the game automatically calculated this on its own. This would make trading workers more accurate. Vote yes if you would like to see this added. Vote no if you disagree.

42 gamers voted for the proposal.
4 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

This was voted before and it is promised long ago. This vote is very decisive and we will try to implement this feature ASAP. The feature will show the numbers at the current efficiency levels in all corporations. The numbers will of course change if efficiency in corporations is changed. We expect the feature to be added to the game in the first days of June.

Simcountry Introduction