online games, multiplayer games
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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What is Simcountry?

disaster aid Status: Will be improved  

Detailed Description:

I recently tried sending aid to other nations that had earthquakes. Every thing went fine until they were done recovering and I discovered that all the medical units I sent were just gone. I can understand the supplies and even the tents and field hospitals being used up, but the doctors and other staff are just gone! I think that at least the staff should return so that they might be redeployed somewhere else if need once the nation has recovered.

64 gamers voted for the proposal.
10 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

The country that received your teams should send them back. Instead, they kept them.

Simcountry Introduction