online games, multiplayer games
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Demotion of Higher-Educated Professionals Status: Will be added

Detailed Description:

We are able to demote our Higher-Educated Professionals into Lesser-Educated Workers; (i.e. Medium-Level Managers into High-Level Workers, or, High-Tech Seniors into Low-Level Workers, or even, Senior-Doctors into Medium-Level Workers); But we should also be able to demote our Higher-Educated Professionals into any form of Lesser-Educated Professionals within their category of field. This would allow us to change the profession of a High-Tech Senior into a High-Tech Engineer; but not allow us to change the same High-Tech Senior into a High-Tech Executive, as they are more highly educated. This would also allow for us to change a Senior-Doctor into a regular Doctor or even into a Nurse, and even allow us to change a High-Level Worker into a Medium or Low-Level Worker. This proposal takes into consideration that different fields require different training as is in real life and so would not allow a High-Tech Senior to be changed into a Nurse, or even changing a High-Tech Execu! tive into a High-Level Manager, or Vice Versa. Yet, will still allow for any professional within any group to be changed into any one of the three working classes as that does not require more education. If you Agree with my Proposal Please Vote YES! If you Disagree Please Vote No. Thanks For Taking The Time To Read This Long Proposed Idea.

60 gamers voted for the proposal.
8 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

We will add such a feature but it may take some time.

Simcountry Introduction