Decrease Webpage Load Times

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Decrease Webpage Load Times Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

Decrease Web page Load Times

I have been playing this game for quite some time and while it is a great game the load times for each web page is absolutely ridiculous.
I find that out of a total of 15 mins I may spend managing a country, I am only really spending 2-5 mins playing while the rest of the time I am just playing a waiting game waiting for the web pages to load.
I am sure W3C can figure out a way to make the pages load a bit faster.
For starters, fix that java bar on top. It seems to have to reload itself every time I click on something. Why? It is a static menu. The same can be said about little pictures of the left hand menu and main pages that have to be reloaded over and over with every click.

39 gamers voted for the proposal.
17 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

A round of optimizations have been carried out recently and had some very good results. The mane system used to increase the browser memory use and decreased overall performance. This is a known problem in the browser. We have followed some hints on how to force garbage collection in the browser and reduce memory use.

We have also tuned the cashing of pictures and java scripts and we see a smaller number of reloads. This too has a good effect on performance. Last but not least, the scroll bar was updated and its processor load is reduced. The problem is now in fact solved for Internet Explorer. On Fire fox, the problem is reduced but we are looking for more possible updates that will reduce the load even further.

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