Damaged defensive airports and aircraft deployment

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Damaged defensive airports and aircraft deployment Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

It seems unrealistic to me that a defensive air force can still be active despite the last airport being damaged to the maximum 99% I understand that it's pretty nasty to see your air force being taken out quickly, but I believe that can simply be countered by the deployment of additional defensive weapons so such valuable targets are not destroyed so easily so vote yes if you feel the realism of decapitating an air force while it's still on the ground should be in the game, or vote no if you feel you are happy with the status quo

43 gamers voted for the proposal.
18 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

This is realistic in the real world but not in the game. It remains too easy to destroy the airports and if this will be implemented, it will disable the complete defense. This will not happen.

We might consider it but then make the destruction of an airport so difficult that even thousands of very expensive weapons will be needed, and will be lost, to even slightly damage a defensive airport.

There is no plan to make the destruction of countries easier.

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