online games, multiplayer games
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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What is Simcountry?

Cost of transfering goods between Empire Countries. Status: The percentage will be reduced  

Detailed Description:

Cap cost of transferring military assets between empire countries should be reduced to 10%.

If You have an Empire and you buy 10 precision bombers for 203.73M SC$ per bomber in Country X. Now if you want to transfer it to Country Y it counts against your monthly budget cap. Since it has already been paib for and counted against a cap it should not be counted again. Or if there MUST be some cap, then it should be a reduced cap #. Vote yes to stop the restrictions of moving arms among your Empire.

48 gamers voted for the proposal.
15 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

Simcountry Introduction