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Detailed Description:
i think that workers of any level should be elgable for conversion into any other lower level. As I'm sure most suffer from a lack of mid-level managers, I propose this as yet another option to potentially off-set this shortage. Even if this suggestion doesn't gain popular support I would ask for the logic behind, for example, not letting a country turn those in the high tech sector into management
36 gamers voted for the proposal.
21 gamers voted against the proposal.
The proposal has been ACCEPTED.
W3Creative reaction:
We have made the migration of workers between groups much more flexible and added a way to move professionals back to the workers groups. Adopting this proposal will make the whole system trivial. Why should we have three groups of workers if we can move them from one group to another.
The move of professionals into the workers groups is already making it much easier and removed much of the education challenge. With that function however, there is a cost because the education system trained these professionals only to see them move back to the workers groups.