online games, multiplayer games
Simcountry is an Online Digital World where you are the President of a country.
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Automatically Update Common Market Contracts Status: Will be added

Detailed Description:

Almost nobody actively uses a common market because it requires frequent updating of contract offers and acceptances. Now, every time anyone in a common market creates a new corp, he has to go through 2-3 screens to create a contract offer, and then all other interested members must go through 2 screens to accept offers. Let's simplify the common market by making contract offers and acceptances automatic. Make it so that 50% of the production of a new corp is automatically offered to its common market, and any country or corp within that common market that consumes that product would automatically accept any part of the production that's still available, up to 100% of the consumption needs. Members would still have the option of manually changing or canceling contracts, and of manually setting production amounts. Vote YES to simplify and automate common market contracts. Vote NO if you want to continue frequent manual updates of common market settings.

29 gamers voted for the proposal.
16 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

This is a very good proposal to improve the functioning of the common market. We will implement and add to the game. This is quite complex to implement, requires some new automation parameters and the addition of some automatic functions in the month runs. It will take some time to implement but will definitely improve the common market.

Simcountry Introduction