Ammo Shortage

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Ammo Shortage Status: Please read our response

Detailed Description:

This is a vote based on recent discussions on the ammunition stock in a county. If a country runs out of ammo, the army unit should not be dismantled and put into deactivation mode. Whole units would be deactivated because one weapon was short on ammo. That makes no sense. I don't think many armies launch anti-nuke missiles in training exercises either. You see my point as to why this change was unrealistic. Our voice should be heard and seriously considered. Vote yes to end the automatic dismantling and deactivation of units.

25 gamers voted for the proposal.
1 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

Many aspects of the game are unrealistic. We have corporations that employ 300.000 people and there are 150 corporations in a large country. The are some more in the real world.

The use of ammunition in peace time must extend to all types of ammunition. Before, there were no corporations producing some of the ammo at all.

Having army units with no ammo does not make sense. Army units in the real world without ammo? the have no reason to exist. If you build army units, you need to take reasonsibility and make sure they can function.

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