Adding story to the game

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Adding story to the game Status: Good idea

Detailed Description:

As mentioned on the forums, i been trying to implement a story into the game. Picture waging war against an enemy, then like real life, a reporter writes about it. Comments made by the presidents. The reasons behind the invasion, the chances of success or failure, rather or not other countries will join the war. What could and might happen. Like a real report. Or coverage of earthquakes, natural disasters, sever shortages of a certain products. The channel could cover what presidents have a reputation for, and presidents make their own history. This is just some ideas i have, but im sure the possibilities are endless. The proposal is, do you think that this would make the game more fun, should we implement more of a story into the game?

17 gamers voted for the proposal.
6 gamers voted against the proposal.

The proposal has been ACCEPTED.

W3Creative reaction:

You are welcome to mail the gamemaster more details on how this should be implemented. We thought that the blog which is available to every player will be a place where such stories could be placed. We are interested in players view on this issue and will be happy to implement such a feature.

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